Being Certain, In Uncertain Times..
by Shannon Heiden

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1 NIV)

Beautiful One, are you really sure of what your hoping for? We all know there are definite, absolutes in life, but when it comes to believing, how many times can you say you are certain of things you don't see? For most of us, we were raised in homes were faith was instilled. Usually whatever our parents believed, was what we adopted as our belief system.

Most religions, are true advocates of instilling and passing down traditions and beliefs. But may I gently challenge this process. How can we absolutely be certain of something if we haven't been challenged in it for our self? How can I say God is true and faithful, unless he has been proven true to me, not just my mother.

Beautiful One, faith is blind faith unless it is an absolute truth to you. Unless there has been some evidence given within your own heart that bears truth to the existence of God, how can anyone say they are certain of anything?

Have you noticed how easy it is for people to fall away from the beliefs they once so boldly stood for? Can it be that they were heavily influenced in a certain way, and had never taken the time for themselves to find out what the basis of their belief was built on?

How many times have you heard someone say " so and so is not really a believer?" Personally, how can any of us say that about someone? God, and God only sees our heart, and if we look at outward actions only, we may easily be deceived. The truth is, sometimes our actions do not align with what is in our heart. Everyone is a work in progress, even-still, maybe its not a matter of being a believer as it is, sometimes people just aren't sure about what they believe. They adopted a message, or concept, but failed to go beyond, and find the truth for themselves.

Faith doesn't require us to throw logic out the window, it just requires us to take a risk. We see what's in front of us, but faith challenges us to look beyond and "see" something different.

Faith is finding out for ourselves, not piggybacking on tradition. I have often told my children, you need to know the God of your heart, not the God of your mother. It is my duty and pleasure to raise and teach my children certain truths, but if my children haven't met God for themselves, how can they really be sure of what they are placing their hope in?

Beautiful One, we are living in the most uncertain of times. The days seem longer, and for alot of us, much harder. Commitment, seems to be a word that is being eradicated from our lives. In everyday life, it's becoming more and more difficult to stand for what we believe in, because what we see and feel is so prevalent, and overwhelming.

We need to be sure that God is, God sees, God hears, and God will always be for us, especially when circumstances haven't looked favorably our way.

That can only happen if we know God for ourselves. God will always use people, places, and things to reveal himself to us, but we need to be certain, and that requires face time, not face book, but a one on one relationship, so when our lives get rocked, we know the Cornerstone will hold us together.

Beautiful One, if you have ever found your self wanting, and not being sure, may I suggest that your faith is being challenged. Challenged faith is not weak faith at all. Challenged faith is actually a catalyst to move us into a deeper faith. Our questions are not offensive to God, rather they are the moments where we move from just accepting, to really embracing a truth we absolutely need to be certain of.

The only way to be sure of something, is for it to be tested, tried, and reveal itself true.

God gives us permission to do this. Because when we are sincerely searching, He will always become the answer.

Beautiful One, just believe, so that you may be certain in uncertain times!!!

Shannon Heiden
[email protected]

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