The story of Aunt Audra Ant
by Greg Miller

Aunt Audra Ant tucked her baby ants into bed.

She prepared a bedtime snack for herself and, after eating the snack, knelt next to her bed for her evening prayers.

"Lord God of heaven, thank you for helping me to have a wonderful day today," Audra said. "You provided plenty of food for our family. I also praise you that you allowed me to gather some extra food for the coming winter. And thank you for all of the other blessings you have given to me. I especially thank you that none of those pesky humans stepped on me today."

"I was glad to bless you," said the Lord. "Among all the ants of the earth, you are the one who praises me the most. And I must say you are also the most hard working ant on the planet. I love you very much."

"You know I love you, too," Audra said. "I don't know why you love me as much as you do, but I certainly appreciate it."

"Because you are teaching your baby ants about me and you are honoring me with your life, I am going to bless you more than I've blessed you in the past," replied the Lord. You are going to have a super night of blissful and blessed rest this evening. It will be the most restful night and the best sleep you have ever experienced."

"Good night, Lord," yawned Audra as she crawled into bed.

The following day, Audra experienced a closeness to the Sovereign Lord she had never known before. She went about her work of gathering food for the coming winter. By the end of the day, Audra realized that God had provided enough food for her family for the entire winter.

"God is such a wonderful provider," Audra thought to herself. "And some ants don't even acknowledge the presence of God in their lives."

Audra was always open to ideas for ministry to other members of the ant community. After taking inventory of the extra food that God had provided, she realized there was enough food to also provide a week's worth of nourishment to the local ant nursing home.

Audra asked her brother, Alvin, to accompany her to the nursing home to deliver the food. When Audra and Alvin arrived at the nursing home, they went inside, where they met with Amy, the administrator.

Audra introduced herself and her brother to Amy. "I'm Aunt Audra Ant," said Audra. "And this is my brother, Alvin. But my baby ants call him Uncle Ant!"

To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements and/or puppet ministry, please email [email protected].

By Greg Miller  2018

 Greg is retired from the Elizabethton STAR Newspaper, after working there for almost 23 years. He now freelances for the paper. Contact email address is [email protected], also Available for speaking engagements/other ministries. Jesus is Lord

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