Friends Share Powerful Dreams
by Greg Miller

Fran, Francine and Francesca all regularly received dreams from the Lord.

The three Christian friends met once each month to share their dreams with each other. The meetings were rotated among the three homes.

Francine always opened the sessions with prayer. The prayers went something like this: "Thank you, Father, for giving these dreams to us. Bless our fellowship this evening, and may everything we say honor and glorify Jesus Christ. In His name, Amen."

Each of the women took turns sharing first. Tonight, it was Fran's turn to go first. "My dreams always are very graphic, and last night was no exception," she said.

"What did you dream?," inquired Francesca.

"I dreamed I had developed my faith to the point that I was able to speak to every mountain in my life and command them to cast themselves into the sea of inactivity and destruction, and every mountain began to move," Fran said. "Some were a little bigger than others and took a little longer but, before the dream was over, every mountain was at the bottom of this gigantic sea."

"Wonderful!," shouted Francesca.

"Praise the Lord!," agreed Francine.

Now it was Francesca's turn. "Last night, I dreamed I was blessed with extraordinary finances, and the Lord enabled me to give away millions of dollars every week to missionaries around the world," she said. "This made it possible to translate the Bible into many more languages much quicker, and hungry people were being fed in much greater numbers. And new forms of media were being invented to share the gospel of Christ with people who have never heard that good news."

"Didn't you get tired of giving away so much money?," asked Francine.

"And if you were giving away millions of dollars every week, didn't that make you poor?," asked Fran.

"No," said Francesca. "It was the strangest thing. The more money I gave away, the more God gave back to me."

"Amazing!," declared Fran.

"Incredible!," shouted Francine.

Francine shared a dream that she had experienced two months previously. "I dreamed the Lord gave me the ability to teach His Word over radio, TV and the Internet," she said. "Millions of people came to Christ."

Fran was curious. "Why didn't you share a more recent dream?," she inquired.

"For the last few weeks, I haven't dreamed very much," Francine replied. "So I decided to share an older dream."

Time was passing by, and it was late. Francine, the hostess, invited her guests to stay in her two extra bedrooms. They both accepted the invitation. Francesca and Fran told Francine, "Good night."

"Sweet dreams!," replied Francine. "Sweet dreams!"

To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements and/or puppet ministry, please email [email protected].

By Greg Miller  2018

 Greg is retired from the Elizabethton STAR Newspaper, after working there for almost 23 years. He now freelances for the paper. Contact email address is [email protected], also Available for speaking engagements/other ministries. Jesus is Lord

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