by Sarah Thomas

When I reflect on the crucifixion of Christ, I wonder wasn't there another way? He could have just told me "I love you. So, come to me!" And He, being the Almighty and His word being above everything that exists, that would have been all that was required. But He chose to go through all this humiliation and anguish. Was it because of His profound love or was it because He was God and He was obliged to position His creation back in league with the initial purpose of their conception? Did He do it for me or did he go through all this just because HE is GOD?

Troubleshooting this question here if He had created us as his dancing monkeys, He would have never let his first man eat the apple in His garden or for that matter He would not have even created the apple there. He chose to place everything right there and gave us the free will to desire and dream and plump for anything we wished, even after completely comprehending the price He would have to pay to set things right in its place, if the wrong choice was made. He was willing to make reparation at the right time - to bring His precious handiwork back into the most beautiful bond He first felt in the garden of Eden.

Isaiah 53:2-3
"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces, he was despised and we held him in low esteem."

Can I ever look back and tell Him - It was not enough?!

Was it truly for me?

Even if we ponder all our life I doubt if we would ever understand the intricacy of this beautifully woven plan of the Almighty! Our finite and feeble minds can never think beyond a certain horizon other than being caught up in unnecessary conflicts within our little heads.
This question troubled me initially and I started thinking about this the whole time. But everything I looked up brought me back to the first place I started from.

John 3: 16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"

His love was indeed so profound that nothing of this world or His majesty could stop Him from making this ultimate sacrifice for us. We can never deny or question His love for us because of the choice He made just to make sure we live with Him in eternity forever.

Psalm 100: 5
"For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations."

Let us rejoice and give thanks to God for His deep and everlasting love and be grateful to Him from the bottom our hearts for nothing of this world can ever compare to what the Lord has done for us.

Sarah Thomas([email protected])

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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