Do you know about laminin?
by Wendy B McLain

Wendy B. Mclain
Fruitland Park Christian Living Examiner

Mankind is God's masterpiece

Our heavenly Father is considerably greater than any of us could ever imagine. His miracles are so far beyond our finite understanding.

One of these miracles are found in the creation of His masterpiece that was revealed when He 'breathed the breath of life into the nostrils of mankind.' This can be found in Genesis 2:7.

He formed and fashioned man from the dust of the earth and then lovingly bent over His creation and breathed His very own life into him. Amazing love.

Created in His image and likeness to be His children who would have fellowship with their Father and Creator forever.


God created all things those that are seen and those that are unseen. The universe and everything in it belong to Him and were designed to function according to His supreme intellect.

In God's creation of molecules the structure and design He gave this particular one (laminin) is mind-blowing to say the very least.

The entire concept of the ingenuity of the body's functions is so profound when looked at in light of the vast complexities it involves. This could only have been made possible through a Designer.

The big bang theory goes totally out the window when peering upon the very molecule He created to hold our bodies together like glue.

A remarkable story

Louie Giglio will take you through a remarkable story about this tiny molecule laminin and he will explain how God in His infinite wisdom used this structural component to solidify that mankind was absolutely created by God and for God's good pleasure.

Search GodTube for Louie Giglio's video of laminin and let it touch your lives as you witness the unfolding of a Father whose love is so grand that He would fashion you with His Son and your Savior Jesus Christ on His mind.

Even from the very beginning He knew the world would need His Son to redeem the lost unregenerate heart because of the fall of man and his choice to rebel.

The heart of the matter

At the heart of the matter are these microscopic group of atoms cleverly implanted within the structures of the human body by God. By this His craftsmanship is revealed as He lovingly molded and fashioned His children.

If you don't know Christ make him your Savior today. He is the Creator and Sustainer of everything in existence including you. Believe and receive life eternal.

Fruitland Park Christian Living Examiner~Wendy B McLain

Wendy B McLain shares her love for Jesus. Her undeniable voice of passion for the Savior of the world is seen through the kindred spirit she shares with John the Baptist who cries out among the sea of humanity to make straight the way of the Lord. Be ready for the imminent return of the King of kings and Lord of lords. She states, 'May your lamp be full of oil.'

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