Weak Flesh & Idols
by Elsie Schuett Flynn

"Anything you desire more than Me becomes an idol." ~ Jesus

I like a lot of things. Therefore, I have to ask myself, "Is there any thing or even a person, that I desire more than Jesus?" Do I hesitate to answer this question and think it over?

How about something that affects physical comfort, such as a drink of water or some food, or something to provide warmth in the winter, or cooling in the summer? Or how about medication that takes the edge off chronic pain?

Physical comfort is dangerously close to becoming an idol. Jesus told Peter, James and John, "Watch and pray so you don't fall into temptation. The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak.

The FLESH is weak. The flesh is WEAK.

The flesh only thinks of the flesh. It has no respect or consideration of the spirit or the soul. It's very selfish. It does not think of others. It wants what it wants and wants it now! Flesh and wait do not work together. Oh, the need for self-control! O Holy Spirit, I am sending out an SOS to you!

Psst: think about Jesus. When flesh screams for attention, think about Jesus. When flesh is bucking like a bronco, call out to Jesus.

Consider the horrors of this
What if Jesus would have given into the screams and demands and pleas of his own human flesh and called on those angels to take him down from the cross? Where would we be now?

Don't jeopardize spirit and soul because flesh is making a fuss. Subdue flesh; order flesh to stand down. When flesh says, "I want," spirit and soul must say, "Jesus!"


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Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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