The United Church
by Steve Countryman

The time is coming very soon when God's church will be united. The petty differences that have kept us apart will fade away. Jesus started "the church" man started religions. There are over 9,000 varieties of Christian religions around the world. Even back in the New Testament they had division amongst the churches. That was not part of His plan. The devil's plan is to keep us separate because he knows that once we join together nothing will be able to stop us. It starts with simple "core beliefs". Unified churches who believe that God the Father sent His one and only Son to die upon a cross for our sins and rose again to life after three days. And that the Bible is the unshakable Devine Word of God. That's it, no if ands or buts! It doesn't matter what else your church or religion believes. The question then is how many of the 9,000 Christian religions have these "core beliefs"? Are they willing to join together in agreement and alignment in One voice? The church has been asleep and silent for far too long. The time for revival and a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit is upon us!

When God first spoke to me about united churches, I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands. I saw that I was holding my hands in a strange fashion. Both hands were palms up and fingers spread but the two last fingers on each hand were crossed over the other two fingers of the other hand. God showed me that my hands represented His unified church. The fingers are points of differences between churches. The two smaller fingers of each hand that were crossed over the other hand represented "common ground"! That is the area that all of the churches share as common faith and truth in the Gospel! God shared with me that all of the churches that become unified will have blessings, favor and anointing beyond measure!

We Christians have allowed the wicked to rule and reign over us. Laws have been passed that call good evil and evil good and we did nothing to stop it. Sad to note that it has been a minority that has been allowed to get away with it as we sat by and did nothing. Prayer removed from schools and replaced with students killing other students. Allowing the removal of God's Ten Commandments, the removal of His name and all signs of the cross, removal of Nativity scenes and the mention of the word Christmas from schools and from public and governmental locations. The murdering of millions of unborn babies for the sake of convenience and "choice". Instead of schools teaching abstinence and "choice" before conception they hand out condoms and teach homosexuality as an "alternate lifestyle" to first and second graders. Courts and judges who overthrow the voting will of the people to allow same-sex marriage and call it normal. Making "hate laws" to include anyone who publicly recites Bible scriptures that opposes sinful lifestyles such as homosexuality, living together out of wed lock, drunkenness, party animal mind sets, molestation, rape and all types of fornication.

We can no longer remain silent and allow our nation to slide deeper into the sewer. Today's church and us as Christians must take a stand and stand up for what we know is Biblically correct. If we don't we will stand before our God and give an account as to why we did nothing to stop it. We can do it and we will make a difference as we show our nation that a righteous nation brings God's blessings and a wicked nation brings God's wrath. It starts within each church and spreads to others churches as cooperation and compassion with love is allowed to flow to other churches. How can we Christians tell the world that we serve a loving and caring God when we don't love and care for other churches? We as a church have some "growing up" to do that will allow the Holy Spirit to flow through us and out to the world. Until we can grow up today's church wouldn't be able to handle what is coming with the pouring out His Spirit. It will take a unified church to be able to receive and handle the moving of His Holy Spirit as God wants!

There are four things that must happen for churches to become united.

1. They must have the same vision.
2. They must have a Devine purpose.
3. They must understand that we are all called to fulfill the Great Commission.
4. They must understand what their ministry is.

Though we may not "see" in the natural what a unified Christ church looks like, you know that God does and that is what He desires. John 17:20-21 20 "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. Our faith, hope and future is all in Him. We don't have to understand it in the natural for it to come about. We just have to believe and trust in our God to make it happen. Allowing God to be God in us and in our churches. Faith, trust and obedience without limits opens God's blessings and all of heaven to you! Ask your pastor if he or she believes in a Christ centered unified church. If not, maybe it's time to find a new church that does. That is where you will find the Holy Spirit moving.

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