Unsung Heroes
by Ron Quinlan

"Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for a friend". So often we hear these words and immediately think of people in the military or emergency personnel who heroically risk their lives for others. But what about the thousands who quietly day in and day out sacrifice their lives for their loved ones; do we appreciate the sacrifices they make? Do we recognize their need for support and encouragement?
In every church we have such heroes, caregivers who've given up everything in order to take care of an ill spouse or parent. Day by day they lay down their lives in service to their loved ones. They are Jesus' hands and feet. They have given up lifestyles, incomes, jobs, careers, recreational activities and often friendships in order to take care of their loved ones.
Under the best of conditions their lives are filled with stress, worry and pain. There is the constant fear of making a mistake, of hurting a loved one rather than helping. You don't want to make the wrong decision or fail to prevent a fall. You don't want to make things worse or over react. You want to do what is best. On top of that they often live with financial worries, especially in this economy. This is an incredibly fearful time.
Often our loved ones are difficult. They may be frustrated by loss of independence, their inability to do the things they use to. It is a blow to their pride to depend on others especially their children. They feel like things are out of control. All of this builds up inside them and what comes out is not their love and appreciation but their frustration and anger. Yet despite all the pain and difficulty these heroes continue to pour out their lives in love.
I have been privileged to know several of these heroes. Theirs is a thankless task often 24/7. While there was a great deal of support when their loved one became ill this faded away as time went by. So often they long for a break, for someone to talk to, someone who would just listen, give them a hug. They long to know that they were not alone, for someone to share their fear, grief and pain. They need encouragement.
Last Friday, April 27, 2012, one of these heroes, Patricia Cummings, passed away much too soon at the age of 55. She literally laid down her life taking care of her mom for the past 2 years. She gave up everything but her cats and took care of her mom 24/7. To me her sacrifice was as great as any of those we've lost overseas. Her funeral did not have all of the fanfare of our fallen heroes from the wars but it should have. She willingly laid down her life day after day, not knowing when it would end. Maybe very few people will recognize her sacrifices but God will.
We need to do more to support and encourage those in our parishes struggling with the care of a loved one. We are called to be Jesus' hands and feet. We are called to reach out in love. There are so many people silently hurting as they take care of loved ones. We have to do something.

I am a former Catholic School teacher, now working as a caregiver in South Carolina.  I have written pieces for Catholic Exchange and Catholic Lane including God's Valentine and A Faith Worth Dying For.  You may read more of my work on ronquinlan.wordpress.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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