Messed Up Economics, Messed Up People; Messed Up World
by Dr. Henderson Ward

It boggles the mind where we are at as regards our state of affairs as currently exist. The world is being horrendously assaulted from every angle and the long-held certainties and foundational truths and verities of our very existence are now seriously questioned. There were always those anarchists who had no respect for orderliness and convention, but today they are mightily reinforced by the rabid nihilists who reject all social mores and wish passionately to destroy everything worthwhile working alongside the lawless who thinks laws are mere imposition on their freedoms. This eclectic grouping is further compounded with militant atheism that worships disbelief and the toxic dogma that objective truth emanating from a higher authority is pure foolishness. This troika anarchists, nihilists and atheists masquerading under the umbrella of distorted liberalism is nothing less than agents from hell carrying out a scorched-earth policy intended to obliterate all mankind. An alien observing our world from deep space would conclude that our world is seriously messed up, probably irretrievably so, for we have messed up economics, messed up people and a messed up world.

Let us examine the field of economics that some people laughably refer to as a sound profession. Any recognized profession has skills and aptitudes and can be relied upon to provide reliable answers to solve relevant problems. In the field of economics the most eminent professors churn out a constant stream of contradictions that is as mystifying as it is dangerous. Policy makers are more likely to get it right by tossing a coin in the air as they are by taking the advice of these clueless expert economists. The problem here is that these eminent economists are paid lobbyist and lackeys of vested interest who are guaranteed to speak to order and the fact that many of them are eminent professors of distinguished universities makes no difference. There are now several books and well researched articles proving that most universities are corrupted by vested interest and even common things, like disclosures, are not being enforced. We now have a situation where financial markets and banks rule the world, set their own standards, elect and appoint their own regulators, dragoon governments to their cause and when all else fails, threaten to strangle the country if others dont bail them out and allow them to continue their untenable lifestyle. Messed up economics is hitting us hard and in this context calling it such is most certainly a euphemism.

The world has never experienced so many messed up people as it does currently. Normally people know very clearly what is in their best interest even if they are not in a position to influence matters and have tended to choose their side accordingly. Turkeys do not vote for an early Christmas never mind voting to have Christmas every month. But this in comparison is what a lot of people are doing. Some segments of the population pour scorn on anyone or anything that does not accord with their distorted and malign view of the world and relish elevating themselves as the champions of humanity instead of the thieving, greedy buffoons they really are.

They delight in gratuitously pouring contempt over everyone who is not of their ethnicity or social standing and gorge themselves at the feet of the rich and powerful until they are bloated with hubris and stupidity in a shameless orgy of mean-spiritedness. They preach morality while living like sewer rats. They persecute, denigrate and harass the small man doing petty crimes merely to survive while elevating, glorifying and honouring the crooked bankers, the fraudulent millionaires, the feckless celebrities and their ilk. They have a passion for distorting the truth and would go to any length to lead mindless simpletons into the quagmire of self-destruction while believing it is in their interest. Just look around and see the glaring and irrefutable evidence before your very eyes.

In America, there are those who still believe that President Obama was not born in America. There are those who still think that Native Americans are immigrants who have no right to be in America. There are those still believe that poor people cause the financial systems to collapse in 2008 and therefore responsible for the recession. Millions still think that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and as Prime Minister Tony Blair said, Could have nuclear weapons flying towards Europe at fifteen minutes notice. Many believe that immigrants are taking away their jobs and leaving them unemployed and life would be perfect if all the immigrants just leave the country. Many believe that Obamas health care legislation giving over 40 million people insurance coverage is the work of subversives trying to undermine and destroy the USA.

And over in Europe everything that is aimed at helping the poor, and not feathering the nest of the rich, is twisted to look like an assault on peoples freedom or even worse schemes to, in the long run, ensnare the poor and prolong their poverty and misery. And yet the poor is successfully bribed and cajoled to vote for the very people who are the cause of their suffering. What on earth is going on in these developed countries? The picture could not be clearer; messed up people indeed.

Does anyone, anywhere actually believe that our world is a rational, gracious, decent, well ordered, just, equitable place with the right priorities and social ambience that does justice to all humanity? How would you feel if when you get up tomorrow morning you were told that the blue orb overhead is not the sky, but a man-made screen pulled tight and henceforth there is a penalty if you do not acknowledge it? The thing you are walking on is not solid earth, but your imagination of solid earth and there is no such thing as walking because you are standing still and the imaginary earth below you is rotating? People are not real they are just figments of our imagination and at any rate, we are not real either; we just think we are real but we will soon see we are not? And look over there that woman you thought were your mother is in fact your father who pretended to be your mother, but women are not mothers only men and the government confirms that is so. If this kind of thing took place would you not be confused and messed up? Well be confused and messed up because this is all happening right before our eyes. This is a seriously messed up world.

Note how the verities of our very existence are now seriously challenged. There was a time when parents used to chastise their children, but not anymore because now they are accused of child abuse. Now children are abusing parents who go around sheepishly apologizing for their childrens bad behavior.

There was a time when sisters and friends could go around hugging each other and holding hands because they were good friends and enjoyed wholesome companionship. Now such behaviour is seen through the lens of homosexuality and lesbianism and even accidental contact is fraught with hostility and challenge.

There was a time when you could leave your child at the nursery and know that the child was in good hands. Now you fear that your child may be in the hands of pedophiles and abusers and in spite of assurances your mind is never completely at ease.

There was a time when your vicar, priest, pastor, church leader was the most caring, reliable and trust-worthy person in the district. Now he is regarded as just another opportunist with predatory instincts who has to be treated cautiously as you would any stranger.

There was a time when a policeman was a person of integrity, trust, eminently fair and unfailingly helpful. Now to find a policeman of such qualities is as rare as finding an oasis in the Sahara Desert.

There was a time when professionals like lawyers and surgeons were people who regarded clients as kings and themselves as willing servants blessed to be doing them a service. Now these professionals and their fellow travelers see clients as fatted lambs to be feasted on, unconscionably ripped off to enhance their bloated bank accounts.

Time and space prevents me from mentioning there was a time when parents did what was best for their children rather than themselves; when unions did the right thing for their members rather than union officials; when people gave a fair days work for a fair days pay; when people were courteous; when a dropped wallet was promptly handed back; when doors were held open for those following; when a customer given too much change returned the excess; when people acted soberly as part of the human race. No matter how you look at it, we now have a truly messed up world.

All of the above is true and yet for many the situation is neither hopeless nor unfailingly depressing. There are many decent, God-fearing people across the world that really care about justice and humanity and work assiduously, often without thanks or recognition, to do what they can to help others. Many churches and people of goodwill are shouldering heavy burdens indeed; feeding the hungry, comforting the sad and downtrodden, housing the homeless, even if just for a short while, comforting the many disparate victims, counseling the needy and giving assistance wherever needed.

There are those who are quick to complain and condemn and then there are those who follow the example of Jesus and are committed to giving help whenever and wherever. We undoubtedly have a messed up world with messed up people and messed up economics, but we also have a God who knows how to clean up messes and in him we must trust. David summed it up so very nicely, Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (Psalm 20: 7. NIV)

Enough said.

Books by this author you may wish to read.

Volume 1 Five tough facts to be faced

Volume 1 You must first identify him




Dr. Henderson Ward received his Doctor of Divinity in theology, with distinction, from Masters International School of Divinity, USA, where he is currently a post-doctoral fellow. Dr. Ward's career involved pastoring, evangelism, and teaching. Copyright 2017

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