Leap of Faith
by Angela Perez

"Don't be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil" Proverbs 3:7 NLT.

My take on this verse is, Do not let your own knowledge, your thoughts, make an impression on you or in you--turn from them and follow God. "...fear the LORD and turn away from evil." No, we don't fear our loving, Heavenly Father, what we fear is doing anything outside of faith. Because it is sin, and our sin separates from our loving Father. And sometimes that sin, is a lack of faith. It is doubt. And that doubt eats at our insides, sometimes so deep that we don't recognize it for what it is. So we go on, questioning the voice of His Holy Spirit. And that is sin.

Some people are so blessed with immeasurable faith, but for the rest of us it is a daily struggle. I know because I know the pendulum all too well.

My mind is always questioning, always analyzing, always seeking out the why. It served me very well when I was investigating a story, digging for the truth, but where faith in my Father's voice is concerned, it has utterly destroyed me time and again.

We cannot fully serve Him without child-like faith, we just CANNOT! We must jump off the pendulum, in a leap of faith, and trust God, taking Him at His word!

It reminds me of an Indiana Jones movie, where Indiana had to take a leap of faith and step out onto what was, in his sight, certain death. If he did not fully believe and trust that he would not fall, he would surely have fallen and died. He HAD to believe. And so do we.

Indiana took that leap, not by looking at what he could fall into, but by looking straight ahead toward the entryway, toward the light. For us, that light is God. Follow the light, dear children of God. Do not look at what your eyes see, look ahead at what God is showing you. You will not fall to your death! He has you! He loves you and His plans for you will blow your mind, if you will only believe. Leap.


Angela J. Willard Perez is a mother, an author and the editor of The Fit Christian Magazine, a free online Christian health & fitness magazine www.fitchristian.com.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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