The Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ
by Gregory Winfield

The death of a loved one is tragic. None of us look forward to hearing the news of the death of a loved one, but experience with me for a moment, the story of Susan and the Last Will and Testament of her Uncle Ted.

Everything was going fine for Susan until she heard of the death of her distant Uncle Ted. Susan wasn't aware that she had an Uncle Ted, until word reached her of his death through relatives. Susan went to the funeral and dealt with her sorrow over the death. Sometime after the funeral, Susan found out that Uncle Ted had a Will that she was included in. Later that week, she and several other relatives met at the attorney's office to go over the Last Will and Testament of her Uncle Ted. In the Will, Susan found out that Ted left her $1,000,000. Great! Now it appears that she will be financially set for life. Susan left the attorneys office, and went home with a smile on her face and an optimistic attitude about the future.

6 months after Susan's meeting with the attorney, she found out that she was being laid off from work. The news was devastating, but with a positive attitude, she made up her mind that she was going to get through it. 4 months after her last day on the job, Susan begins to find that money is very tight. She's spent all of her savings and she's down to her last $20.00. She has looked all over for a job, but in this recession, no one is hiring.

2 more weeks go by and regrettably, Susan finds herself in line downtown at the County office applying for government assistance. This is something that she hates doing, but her financial situation dictates that this is her only option. The process of being approved takes another 2 weeks and Susan has no idea how she and her family are going to make it until they are approved. Refusing to lose hope, Susan prays to God and asks Him to provide a way for her to care for her family financially.

But wait a minute, the reader might ask. What about the $1,000,000 dollars that Uncle Ted left Susan in his Last Will and Testament? Why won't Susan simply use what Ted left her in his Will?

That's my point exactly.

A lot of times we as Christians look at things from the stand point of God providing the thing that we need as opposed to God having already provided for our need. The things God has provided for us are already a trust for us. And when we are ready for them, we are to call for them. In the scenario above, Susan already had money in the bank; all she had to do was to begin making withdrawals from what was already set aside for her.

Jesus Christ came to earth then willingly died, putting into effect His Last Will and Testament. The bible is "the Will of God" in written form. Then He sent His representative, the Holy Spirit to act as the executor of the Will to make sure that those who were beneficiaries of the Will would have access to everything that was set aside for them in the Will.

So as in Susan's scenario, why are we willing to go without kingdom benefits that belong to us? Do a word search on the word "Salvation" and you'll find that it's Greek meaning is to heal, preserve, save, to do well, to make whole, deliverance and health.

God, through the death of His Son, Jesus has already provided everything that we could possibly need, want or desire that is consistent with a Godly life and placed them in a "trust" per se. Exactly what was provided for us is listed in His Last Will and Testament, the Bible. So when we need an item that has been promised to us in the Will, we pray for it from the stand point of us asking our Father for something that has already been set aside for us and not from the stand point of asking for something we're not sure we have a right to.

If we are indeed "saved" people, we should be living off the inheritance that our Father left us through the death of His Son Jesus. I think it's time we review our copy of the Will and find out what our Father has left us. Then we need to reclaim everything on the list that we currently don't have or have been cheated out of. If my Father left me something in the Will, then it's obvious that He wanted me to gain the benefit of having it.

Let's take a look at the Will again then hold it up against our lives to make sure we are receiving all the benefits that the Father send His only Son to die to provide for us.

Greg's love of writing and the unique way God illustrates the truth of His Word through everyday life situations has given birth to the FaithsMessenger Blog ( Our goal is to share biblical principles, stories and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way.

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