Christian Growth
by Jerry Ousley

I knew I was getting big, but did they really think I was unaware of it and had to tell me? It happened at a family reunion. I had missed the year before so it had been about two years since many of those relatives had seen me. Yes, I had gained weight. I knew it. I was aware of it. I even pocked fun at myself because of it. But these folks stood back in amazement and simply said, "Jerry, you've gotten fat!" Thanks a lot uncle!

Perhaps when they said it they remembered the skinny guy that I used to be. That small hundred and thirty-five pound frame had developed into a two hundred and thirty pound nerf ball!

Well, I hadn't let it bother me before so after turning red faced in front of all those people my composure adjusted and we went on with the reunion. Someone had told me earlier in life that I must have had a hollow leg because I could out-eat nearly everyone I knew and I didn't seem to gain a pound. Guess what that hollow leg got filled up and all that food had to go somewhere.

At this time I have lost about ten pounds but I could stand to lose about thirty or so more. But I do so love to eat! I suppose I've got a decision to make; lose twenty pounds or keep on eating anything I take a fancy too. Time will tell.

We all continue to grow. When we've grown as tall as the Lord intended for us to be then the body starts growing in other ways. If we are over-eaters (I prefer the term my grandmother used; healthy eaters) then at some point we will begin to grow fat (like me). But I've noticed other growth problems since I've started peaking over the hill. For instance, little skin tags seem to develop overnight. I suppose the body says, "Well, I've got to keep growing. I can't grow up any more so I'll just grow here for a while."

Physical growth is different from spiritual growth. Spiritually we should always be growing, much like a tree or a plant. They grow throughout their entire existence. Paul complimented the Thessalonian church for their growth. We read in 2 Thessalonians 1:3, "We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other " In so many of the other letters of Paul he was forced to criticize his subjects because of disobedience. But here he compliments them for their growth.

In speaking of the communion Paul told the church at Corinth in 1 Corinthians 11:28, "But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup." He was telling them (and us) to make sure we were not just partaking of the Communion by going through the motions but we are to examine ourselves first. We should also examine ourselves daily. The Greek word translated "examine" also means "to scrutinize or test ourselves." What are the questions on our self test? (1) Am I changing? (2) Am I becoming more loving and tender-hearted? (3) Am I treating my family and friends with Godly respect? (4) Is my conversation becoming more like Christ? (5) Am I still complaining or am I speaking edifying words of faith? (6) Am I growing more excited about Jesus each day? (7) Am I forgiving, or do I still hold onto grudges, resentments, and roots of bitterness despite God's warnings?

To complete the test ask yourself one more question, "My single biggest problem is ?" and fill in the blank. Now if you've really got guts go to your spouse or a close friend or relative and ask them, "In your opinion what is my biggest problem?" You may be surprised at the answer but it will let you know how others see you and it will let you know where you need improvement. But don't ask someone this if you aren't ready to hear the truth. If it's going to make you mad then you already know an area you need to work on.

We can grow in the Lord and never stop growing. But it will take a lot of thick hide and the ability to see yourself as you are without defense and self-justification. But then, if we really read the word of God hungering for the truth we've got to do that anyway, right?

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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