by Lewis E. Thomas

Destiny is a journey that we all must take
Destination determined by the choices we make.
One's chance decision made him a millionaire
A life full of riches without a care.
Another's decision brought poverty and pain
A life full of liquor, sorrow and shame.
A teenager's decision to get high on cocaine
Caused a policeman's bullet to slam thru his brain.
A young virgin with a body so pure
Decides to fulfill a lustful lure.
Her decision takes her down a road called vice
A road so terrible she takes her life!
What a difference there could have been
Had they not chosen a road called sin.
All paths of life come to a Y in the road
I wonder which way you'll choose to go?
If you take a left when you reach the Y
You went the world's way, in hell you will cry.
Jesus Christ beckons you to a Cross on the right
He points down the road that leads to life!
Left or Right? Which way will you go?
Is the world worth losing your soul?
Of all the decisions you've ever made
This one will go beyond the grave!

Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on ?
Ref: Matthew 25:33-46


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