Hard Road
by Lewis E. Thomas

As I walked through the ghetto the other day
I saw an old man kneel down to pray.
I stopped and listened as he knelt down there
I began to weep as he spoke this prayer:

"Life's been a hard road!" the old man did say
"I's crossed many valleys you know in my day."
"There were many mountains and hills to climb"
"Thanks to you's Master I's made it fine."
"Life's been a hard road marked with heartache & pain"
"Sometimes there was sunshine sometimes there was rain."
"But, I don'ts grumble and no I don'ts complain"
Cause I's following you Jesus to Heavens high plain!"
"Life's been a hard road, we lives and we dies"
" On some curves I laughs and on some curves I cries!"
"But Lord, you're the one who leads up ahead!"
"Your Jesus Christ who God raised from the dead!"
"Life's been a hard road", the old man did say
"But, the going gets easier every times I pray!"
"My road may end quickly around de next curve"
"But, until then Lord you I will serve!"

That walk through the ghetto was worth more than gold!
While listening to that old man God saved my soul!
I preach in the ghetto now, it's my abode
I tell folks how Jesus can lighten their load!

Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 7/22/1988


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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