by Lewis E. Thomas

I try so hard Lord to overcome sin
Though I try hard I can't seem to win.

I try so hard when put to the test
But I always seem to yield to my flesh.

I try hard Lord because you are my friend
But I lose the battle over and over again.

I try so hard Lord but I'm just not strong
I have no power Lord I wonder what's wrong?

I'm slipping Lord to the end of my rope
For me I guess there is really no hope.

1.What was that Lord Did I hear you say?
"You have no power because you never pray!"

2.What was that Lord did I hear you speak?
"If a Christian prays they will not be weak!"

3.What was that Lord did I hear your voice?
"To be strong or weak is a matter of choice!"

Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 7-22-88


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