Positively Negative?
by Karen Anderson

I wake up in the morning and once again I am bombarded with the heaviness of yesterday. Why can't I ever be free of it? My life never seems to improve. I'm stuck on a path I don't want to be on. Am I destined to be forever on the whirlwind of life with no hope for change? I know in my mind and heart that I need to make changes, but it is just so hard. Everything and everyone is out just to make my life difficult. I want a way out and don't know where to turn.

Do your thoughts run away with you like this? STOP, LISTEN and READ ONyou are trapped in the Negative Nelly Syndrome. What a miserable way to live your life! I don't know about you, but I would rather live a life full of hope, wonder, and of course abundance. I am sure you have heard all the talk that if you think negative thoughts, the energy it produces will attract more negativity into your life. On the other hand, if you think thoughts of abundance, everything will turn around in your life and the attraction for positive things will happen. Do you believe this is possible? I believe this is true, but there is one VERY IMPORTANT element you are missing from this equation. Do you know what it is? It is God.

First let us think about your prayer life. Recently, I was reminded that so often we pray the prayer of uncertainty. What do I mean by that? What needs do you pray for? Could it be improved health, relationships, or finances? Your prayer may be something like this, "Father God, I need help in (you fill in the blank)." Another way is "God I really need your help now and in a very real way." The problem is that you repeat this over and over again each time you pray as if God didn't hear you the first time. What is wrong with you? Don't you know that God has an extremely excellent memory? He doesn't forget any conversation you ever have with Him. Remember, God is one of details; He is working on the problem if you will just pray and give it over to Him. Take this to heart. God's Word says, "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." The only thing you need to do now is rest and start praising Him for the answers. After the initial prayer your continued prayers should be, "I praise you for the answer to (fill in the blank). I know the answer is on its way. Thank you for it. In Jesus name, Amen." Praising God and thanking Him for the answer will also take you from feeling anxious and worried about your life to a sense of overall peace and contentment. Yes the problems are still there but God is on your side and He will bless you for your faithfulness. Also remember that God's answer is not always yes but He does hear you.

Here is a challenge for you. Keep track of your prayers so you can see the answer from God. Write out your prayers as a praise, thanking God for the answers ahead of time. Now enjoy the freedom in your prayer life and the abundant blessings from He who loves you. NOW, STOPTHINK, and PRAY with Praise and Thanksgiving to the God of details. AMEN!

PASSAGE: Isaiah 65:24 (NIV)

Copyright 2013 - Karen Anderson - All rights reserved. If you would like to include any portion of this article in your letter or website, you have the author's permission as long as you include the link to Karen Anderson's website - www.doablesteps.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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