What type of woman you fall in love with
by Donald Standeford

He was like Superman,
Except his strength came
From God. They shut
Him within the walls
Of the city one night,
So in the morning, he
Found himself locked in
And lifted those huge
City gates up and he
Carried them must've
Weighed ten thousand
Pounds and he set
Them on the ground
Away from the city;
Who do ya suppose had
The job of moving
Those gates back? He
Was very strong, like
Superman under a
Yellow sun. Even though
They saw his strength
Again and again, no one
Really believed how strong
He actually was. Also,
He was witty like you;
He liked to let his enemies
Hang their own selves.
His kryptonite was
Playing with deceptive
Women. You need to think,
"What type of woman
Should I fall in love with
When I am older?"

Don V. Standeford


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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