Church Volunteer
by Dighton Head

There came a time in my transition period
When I felt the call to do something serious.
Christian training, and my personal choice
Told me to listen to that "still, small voice".

Long a member of church, I could never find time
To give to His work. The farm always had mine.
Now, I was a part-time student, part-time agent.
So, it seemed best to no longer be negligent.

The Lord had blessed me in many ways.
It now made good sense to share my days.
I let our pastor know I was free
To help in any way that he could see

A pressing need, or vacancy to fill.
His excited response was, "You know I will!"
Teaching adult Sunday School was a sweet surprise.
Students who listened, and watched with their eyes

While I explained God's Word as the Spirit led,
And took stabs at questions 'way over my head.
Repair work was a little less glorious.
But, I enjoyed it as much as the chorus.

A bathroom wood floor was replaced from rot
With a new, sturdy one where there'd better not
Ever again be a faucet, or toilet
Which would run over on it, and spoil it.

Sunday School Super's an interesting post.
I stood up front and did nothing the most.
I watched teachers lead their classes in verse.
When problems arose I deferred to them, first.

After all, they knew what was really going on.
My position, I knew, was a symbolic one.
The task was mine to select a monthly passage
That all were to learn for a personal message.

A responsibility I took seriously.
The scriptures it caused me to search, feverishly.
From this I learned what volunteering is about.
You benefit more than those you help out!

Saved as a young farm lad. Always interested in apologetics. Received BS., Agriculture and MPS., Adult Ed from Cornell University; Chemistry and Earth Science certification from LeMoyne College. Youth and Adult Sunday School teacher, Deacon, choir member; High School science teacher

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