Your Life Is Not Your Own!
by Steve Countryman

We Christians have been bought and paid for. The price was more than we could ever pay. Jesus paid the price for all sins and redeemed us in the process. We are now servants of the Most High God. All that we are, all that we have, all that we will ever be is the Lord's. We are only stewards of what we possess. From our personal belongings, land, homes, cars to our children and grandchildren, they all belong to Him. We are accountable for the way we have stewarded all that has been given us. We are entitled to nothing for ourselves. That's why "you can't take it with you".

In today's world Me is at the center of all that we think and do. With more and more people becoming slaves to government handouts, an entitlement mentality is sweeping the nation. It fits well with the Me mentality, the Me morality and "what's in it for Me" attitude. Friendships and acquaintances too often are based on what we can get from other people. Abusing, using and manipulating others to get what we want from them. Sad to think that we His children start acting like the world, abusing people and demanding our entitlements. Since we are not our own but belong to God then we as His slaves/servants have no rights, no entitlements and no right to place any demands.

Today's society is so twisted that sin is treated as a right instead of a wrong. Through compromise, deception and the deception of compromise Christians are also falling into the trap of sin as their right. We have no right to sin! Sinners sin by nature and it is their way of life. Saints sin by choice but have no right to sin since we are not our own. Our bodies are the temple of the Lord and belong to God. For us to sin we automatically sin against God and His temple since we used our bodies to commit the sin. Our thoughts, our decisions, our words, our actions and our deeds all involved using different parts of our bodies His temple.

Just like when Jesus cleared the Temple of the buyers, sellers and money exchangers because the worldly influences were allowed into the Temple and corrupted the true meaning and purpose of the Temple. It was a "house of prayer". The religious leaders of that day didn't see a problem allowing these transactions in the Temple court since they had to do with Temple traditions and ceremonies. "What's wrong with a little compromise anyway?" That is how sin, through compromise, can go from "a problem" to "a hindrance" to "a situation" to "a distraction" to "a right"! Jesus died on the cross to give us freedom from sin not freedom to sin. You can't sin and be free from it because sin by design will enslave and entrap you! Thinking that you are free to sin is an oxymoron.

1 Corinthians 6:19 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." (NIV) Romans 6:15-18 15 "15 What then [are we to conclude]? Shall we sin because we live not under Law but under God's favor and mercy? Certainly not! 16 Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will, you are the slaves of him whom you obey, whether that be to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness (right doing and right standing with God)? 17 But thank God, though you were once slaves of sin, you have become obedient with all your heart to the standard of teaching in which you were instructed and to which you were committed. 18 And having been set free from sin, you have become the servants of righteousness (of conformity to the divine will in thought, purpose, and action)." (AMP)

God and His love is so great for us that He didn't stop at just redeeming us. He saved us from eternal death to choosing us as His servants to calling us friend to adopting us as His sons and daughters and making us co-heirs to the throne. We did nothing to deserve this and could never do enough to earn it, it is a gift from God! Therefore we should celebrate our freedom from sin by daily living and walking in His Word. Living a life worthy of His call. Being a child of the Most High God has it's own responsibilities, duties and requirements. It is what we will have to give an account for when we get to heaven and stand before the Almighty. You are not your own, you have been set free from sin, walk in it!

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