by Dighton Head

"Splitting wood warms a man twice", he had told us, "once when you split it, and

again when you burn it ! "

Our father often quoted such adages to express his philosophy of life. Here are a few

more of my recollections....

His favorite: "Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"
Was made obvious when he called out to his boys,
"The birds are singing!", every morning at five.

Some days we'd be aching, and Dad would find us shirking.
"Don't be complaining", he'd say, "if you didn't get hurt working."
To us his work ethic he most strongly imparted.
"It's good to PLAN", he said, "but it's best to get STARTED!"

Along this line he told us to see
That we "NEVER start any job after THREE."
When attacking our chores we should use all our might,
Because, "Any job worth doing is worth doing right."

"Successful results require input", Dad explained,
For, "If nothing is ventured, nothing will be gained."
A similar verse he applied more liberally...
"If you want to dance, you have to pay the fiddler."

Now, I never saw Father dance. But I don't know why.
He often mused, "All work, and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

(Ask a victim of Dad's old knuckleball, if his pitch was dull.)

Or, ask a horseshoe player who just heard the sound
Of his RINGER being CANCELED by a shoe coming down.

When I pitched Bush League Dad said, "Just let 'em hit it."
I said, "I'd LOVE to, Dad, if I could just get it....OVER!!"
His advice to me, going out Halloween?
"If you're caught doing wrong, don't call ME!"

If we VOTED Dad's way, we could save lots of dough.
His words of wisdom were, "If you don't KNOW, VOTE NO!"

Regarding his fellow man, we know from where Dad drew his unction.
"Pride goes before a fall", he'd quote, "A haughty spirit brings destruction."
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Robbed once, Dad just said, "I guess he needs it worse than I do."

Of all his words, those I most recall, now
Are, "Act like a man, son."
Then... he showed me HOW!

Saved as a young farm lad. Always interested in apologetics. Received BS., Agriculture and MPS., Adult Ed from Cornell University; Chemistry and Earth Science certification from LeMoyne College. Youth and Adult Sunday School teacher, Deacon, choir member; High School science teacher

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