Heroes' Avenue
by Bolaji O.Timothy

Extract from All you need

Heroes are great people whose backgrounds, limitations, lack, constrains, problems, privileges and opportunties were used in spite of the nature of their environment; hostile or friendly. They did not have their roads smooth, nor their path guided with beautiful flowers. They were men and women who had all different faces, live in different places, but use the scanty and abundant opportunities within their reach or created to fulfill the purpose of their Creator.

What really makes the difference is that they were human, who had turned their goad to gold, grass to grace, problems to prospect, and pains to gain. Heroes and great men have some major things in common, irrespective of their fields of specialization, background, job, or endeavors. They were and are human beings who have dreamed and labored on a purpose. They have applied themselves to prepare, recognize, and use opportunities. They possessed skills in areas that promoted them great and they were men and women who would use, and work on few opportunities to create greatness .By the lives of these heroes, the Lord has filled history with messages of hope. If not, history would have been the compilation of misery.


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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