To judge or not to judge?
by Alfonso Abels

"Be wary to judge, it might just be angel, sent by the Lord, you are wrongly addressing or judging. "

These words really give one something to nibble on. How often do we not make ourselves guilty of this act or deed?

During our previous discussion we referred to the meeting between Jesus and Nathanael. What seem to the latter, a problem at first (his previous knowledge of Galileans) eventually turned out to be a very nice experience. Actually good he listened to Philip, not depended on his own preconceived opinion and accepted his invitation.

Our previous discussion ended with the following words: "Remember, the decision to judge will eventually be your prerogative." By this I meant that the decision to judge rest with the individual at that particular moment.

Judging can be quite embarrassing if the wrong judgment is made. Nevertheless, judging someone will come at various times in one`s life. These incidents are often not planned.

As mentioned, people in Biblical times also experienced these awkward times. One incident that springs to mind is the incident where Noah built the Ark. Everyone thought that he went bonkers. He , in fact, reacted to an instruction from the Lord.

When he finished with the building process, he took himself (of course), his wife, family (three sons with their wives) and two of each kind of animal alive on earth at that time. (Wonder if he took insects?). They entered the ark, closed the doors behind them while the rain was starting.

Noah was not bonkers, but turned out quite normal in his mind and actions. Was it a case of a preconceived opinion?

Nevertheless, judgmental acts can also occur in cases where people, who are shabbily clothed and indeed looking very poor, turn up a scene where you are present. Our first impression of such incident is normally greeted with:

" What the heck is this person doing here?"" I do not have the time for this nonsense?"" I am going to chase this person away."" My reputation is going to be damaged if I am found with this person."

Yea, right! I am the person in charge. I can do it. I have the authority. Who is going to stop me? Then I proceed by going over to action upon which a voice speaks:

"For I was hungred, and you gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink. I was a stranger and ye took me in:"

Stunned by these words, one is brought to a stand still. The mind starts kicking into action. Yea, when I met the Lord and asked for forgiveness, God did not judge me. Why am I judging my neighbour?

Moral of the story: The answer to this question lies within. I am not out on a wild goose chase, nor am I referring to a particular person. However, we need to waken each other`s senses. Remember, we were saved by the grace of God. It is just right that we take care of and lead others to the Almighty.

Let us be wary and ask God to help us make the right decision. This will not come by engaging in gossip and depending on hearsay.

Although we could not see the Lord when we closed friendship with him, we sensed the presence of the Holy Spirit who produced evidence that He is true in His actions.

Let us then cherish the following statement deep in our hearts:

"Jesus` humblest and poorest disciples can be of deepest blessings to others.

They may, without realizing, be doing well and never know of their blessed results until the day of final reward.

These disciples are not aware that they are doing anything great. They only need to go forward quietly while busy with the work that God's providence assigns.

Their lives will definitely not be in vain."

Once again, the decision to judge will eventually be the individual`s prerogative.

Alfonso lives in Mamre, South Africa and is married to Jean. Both are born - again Christians. Alfonso is a full - time minister of the Word and author of Christian materials.

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