Time, Jesus and you
by Alfonso Abels


March 2013!

What happened to January and February 2013? Where did it all go?

Even worse, just to think, yesterday was still 2012, today it is 2013. Yesterday we were still at school, today we are working. Yesterday we were still single, today we are parents. Yes, dear beloved, time indeed waits for no one.

The Bible declares that there is a time for crying, there is a time for rejoice. There is virtually a time for everything. Quite true!

This brings us again to the delicate issue of POVERTY. We briefly discussed its cause, characteristics and effects in previous articles.

Much has so far been done to uplift poverty. Unfortunately, the road ahead is still very long. Many people still find themselves trapped in this sad state.

Jesus, according to the Scriptures, stated that the poor will always be with us. This does not mean that we cannot stop poverty. Jesus meant that we should take care of them. To put a stop to it, we thus have to work very hard.

Love, care and service are the keys to the success in this mission. We need to, in a spiritual sense, declare that the spirit of poverty is broken and add faith to it.

The Bible further declares that all of us are born in sin as result of the actions by the originator of sin, Satan. Bear in mind, sin was actually born during the time when Satan and his angels were cast out from heaven. Poverty, seen from a spiritual perspective, is as an end product of this sinful nature.

As said, poverty can be seen as a physical state. It is something that we can physically experience. In fact, one can see poverty. We can just refer to the many squatter camps in South Africa.
Poverty holds millions of people captive in spiritual poverty. But, what is spiritual poverty? Who or what is this hostage holder?

Spiritual poverty, from a Christian viewpoint, is the situation where the Holy Spirit in one`s inner being is absent. This means that there is a clear emptiness. This void position of the Holy Spirit is part of a psychological process where people strife to reach perfection.

However, to end all or any forms of poverty, the presence of the Holy Spirit is a compulsory. Without Him nothing will be possible. Proverbs 31 v 9: "Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."

Therefore, the Holy Spirit compels us to continue discussions on these various issues. Christianity is, as it is already known, a vast topic, with many issues, for discussion.

The thirst and hunger for a perfected body and soul can be achieved. It, however, is only possible by means of the movement of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, we need to repent our sins and accept the Lord Jesus Christ into our lives. Only then will the spiritual gap in one`s life be filled. Yes, only then will we be able to experience the full glory of an Almighty Trinity.

Remember, the fulfillment of one`s spiritual life leads to the disabilities in one`s personal life being eliminated. Spiritual poverty, the ending of it, results in the ending of physical poverty.

Why not use the available time?

Befriend Jesus today. Tomorrow may be too late.

Alfonso lives in Mamre, South Africa and is married to Jean. Both are born - again Christians. Alfonso is a full - time minister of the Word and author of Christian materials.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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