Lucy Mouse and the Moving Adventure
by Nancy Quinn

Lucy Mouse yawned and her whiskers twitched as she pulled the blanket tighter around her. She could hear her mom making breakfast in their tiny kitchen and smiled as she heard footsteps above her head. Lucy and her family lived in the basement of a little home with the Smith family on Cranberry Street. Lucy and her brothers and sisters prayed for the Smith family every night before they went to bed. Lucy especially loved the little girl named Cathy and she liked to help her find her favorite hair ribbons when they sometimes slipped behind the dresser in her bedroom.

Lucy shivered as she heard Cathy's mom whisper "we are now homeless". Lucy scampered over the Christmas ornament box to find her mom to report this scary news. Lucy's mom hugged her and assured her that God is watching over the Smiths and He is watching over their little mouse family too.

Lucy got home from school that afternoon and scampered up the stairs to see how her friend Cathy was doing. Toys and clothes covered the floor as Cathy and her mom decided which things they could take with them. Cathy was crying and Lucy wished she could comfort her friend. Lucy quietly pushed Cathy's favorite ribbons from underneath the bed so she would be sure to find them and then she hid behind the bed post and started to pray for the family they loved so much.

The packing quietly was done and Lucy finished her prayer and realized her mom would be worried about her, so she quickly went back downstairs. After all her brothers and sisters gathered around her mom, they prayed again for the family. Lucy's mom cheerfully announced that they would be moving out with the Smith family the next morning too. Lucy and her brothers and sisters scampered to pack and prepare their things. "Moose! Come sit on my suitcase! I can't get it closed!" squeaked Lucy. Moose raced over and pounced on the case. After they heard the click, he jumped off and went to search for his favorite toy. "Oh Moose, are you taking that marble? It will be so heavy in your suitcase." said Mom. Moose nodded. He didn't care. He thought it was important to make sure his favorite toy came with him when they moved too.

The next morning, sunlight streamed in the basement window and Lucy woke to her mother's paw gently shaking her back. "Everyone wake up. I hear our family leaving." The little mouse family nibbled the cracker crumbs for breakfast as they toted their bags to the basement steps. Lucy felt a little afraid and looked back at the Christmas ornament box that had been her home, but she was glad they would all be together like her mom explained the night before. "God gave us each other as a family and we love the Smiths as a part of our family too so we know God wants us to stay with them. He will take care of all of us."

Lucy hopped over the cracks in the sidewalk as she tried to keep up with the Smith family. She was glad when they decided to take a break and rest on a bus bench. Lucy and her family sat underneath the bench and her mom pulled out some small pieces of cheese for them to nibble on. Lucy looked up as she heard footsteps and a kind voice. She peeked around the bench and saw a woman talking to Cathy's mom. The Smiths picked up their things and walked to a big building with the kind lady. Lucy and her family scampered behind them. As Cathy lay in a cot that evening, Lucy and Moose found a package of peanut butter crackers and set them underneath her cot so she would have her favorite snack the next day. Lucy's family bowed their heads and prayed for the Smith family. They knew God heard their prayers and would help their friends.

God does always hear Lucy's prayers. Did you know that God loves you and you can talk to God too? Talking to God is called prayer. Do you know someone who is homeless? Ask God what you can do to help them and pray for them too! You make God smile when you care about others! If Jesus is not your best friend yet, you can pray the below prayer that Lucy did on Easter and He will become your best friend too!

Dear God, I know I am a sinner. Please forgive me. I believe that Jesus died for me on the cross and that He arose from the grave so that I can live with Him in Heaven someday. I am now trusting Jesus as my Savior. Thank you for loving me and saving me. Amen.

May God bless these words as I strive to encourage others in their walk with Christ. Please contact me if you would like to request a specific lesson that Lucy Mouse can teach your children or if you would like a coloring page to be sent to match the story!

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