The Small Things
by Don Pedal

The cell phones quiet, TV off, the computer shut down. The din and clamor of the world around me has silenced. I am sitting here allowing my mind to wander and find myself thinking of small things.
Treasures of life are in small things. The beauty of God's creation is in the small things.
Consider stopping to watch a beautiful sunset or the sound of beautiful music on a warm summer evening. Beautiful birds filling the dew soaked morning with their anticipation of a new day.
Life is not only about the daily grind of duty and obligation but also about the abundant life that Jesus promised in John 10:10. "I am come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly". He is not saying in the hereafter but also right now. His presence, joy and peace can be ours as we build that close relationship with Him. To enjoy an abundant life we must realize the world system, our flesh and the devil all work against us.
Our world is filled with worry, anguish and despair. Violence, bloodshed and suffering daily fill the media.
Although we are concerned about our country and the world, we can only pray for them. No amount of caring and attention will make a difference except robbing us of the peace and joy promised by our Lord.
Small things are important because they affect our spiritual life. When we are spending time on issues over which we have no control we have less time for the issues we can control. Prayer, our quiet time with the Lord and issues important to our families all suffer. Our physical and emotional lives are also affected. Our body reacts to worry and fretting by releasing harmful hormones that cause fatigue, bodily pain, anxiety and other unpleasant symptoms. No wonder the world is always searching for the latest magic pill or therapy to relieve the pressure. Drugs, alcohol, sex and fame are not the answer. Hollywood is a good example. Mental confusion raises its ugly head. We look for remedies, advice and pondering so many solutions that we become confused. We procrastinate and not knowing which way to turn. Of course, we are tense.

How can we determine which things are minor and can be delayed or ignored? How can we determine those that are important and can cause problems if not addressed promptly?
It might help to review examples from our daily life. Television is one of the major cultures forming media we enjoy. It not only influences our thinking but also affects our emotions and can inflame our anxieties and insecurities. Television is simply a tool. It can enhance our life or hinder it according to how it is used. It is usually not essential, thus, it is a small thing in our life.
The telephone is another example. It can be extremely important at times of emergency. It is a wonderful tool to enhance personal relationships. The telephone can also be a tool for gossip and time wasting idle chatter.
Consider advertising. While supplying valuable information, it can influence us to believe we have needs that must be satisfied now ---- we have earned and deserve it now! Out comes the credit card.

The battle of life is won or lost in the small things. Most of us do not rob banks, belong to a gang, assault our neighbors or do other major damage in our world. How many of us do exaggerate our tax deductions, take home company property --- small items like staplers, stationery etc. What do we do when shopping and discover we have too much change or found an unpaid item in our bag when we got home. Do we think little white lies are harmless and help the world to flow more smoothly? What we choose to do at this time is when a small thing becomes a big thing in God's eyes. These decisions affect our spiritual and emotional life more than we realize.
God has promised that if we put Him first, He will supply all our needs. (Luke 12:28 31). If we truly believe that, then we should have no trouble in realizing the importance of small things. God longs for our fellowship and provide for our needs daily so that we may enjoy the wonderful fulfilled life He has planned for us. A life free of anxiety, worry and despair. We can change our lives by the decision to walk with Him. Make it now!

As a senior citizen, I am dedicated to serving the Lord through sharing my experiences and insights with other believers. My primary focus is upon being an disciple of Jesus and, in being one, I can help others to find their spiritual way also. 
This article is original and not copywrited

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