The Lord is the Light of Your Life, Volume 22

Surrender your will to God the Father.

If you want to be healed and helped, get off of yourself, reach out, and help someone else.

Quit being angry at what has happened in your life. While you continue to be angry you don't heal. It's time to move on!

Share the burdens that others you know are carrying. It's time that you take a look around you and see more than your own image in the mirror.

Believe in yourself, as I the Lord believe in you.

Live your life as a fulfillment of the testimony of the Lord. Show others what the Lord has taught you.

The Lord is always opening up doors for you while teaching you how to be strong.

Build on what you have been given by Almighty God.

One of my clients gave me simple yet awesome advice. "Give it to God. Let Him take care of it!"

Jesus is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

Complement somebody in your life. You don't know what blessings you can bestow upon someone else until you show love.

Don't focus on your problems so much that you block God's power in your life. Remember His promises.

God has not changed. Don't go by your feelings. Go by faith.

When I panic, I know You Lord are there to quench the fiery darts of the devil.

The Lord is beside me. Halleluiah!

Be not afraid. Give your life to Christ. The Lord is taking you to a place where you have not been to before.

Put yourself out there for God to bless.

No matter what you feel or how you think, God is ultimately in charge of your life.

Don't keep apologizing for yourself. God loves you and has given you special gifts.

Having a heart for people is a blessing.

You may be labeled by others as too emotional. Disregard their words. Keep true to the way that God formed you.

We rejoice in God because of who He is. Very simple.

Let go of the heavy burdens. Enjoy the sweet moments of life that God gives you.

If you are a caretaker for a parent or friend, be sure to care take yourself as well. I am learning this. It will keep you strong and healthy.

I've had many tears in my life, and I know that my God cups each one and understands.

Let others see your heart. Bring others to the table.

There's a lot going on in this world that can make you afraid. Cling to God, the source of all your strength.

Remember, as a Christian you are never alone. God is always with you.

Trust God for your daily provision.

The devil is a liar. He will tell you that you will never get out of the hole you are in. Remember, he is a liar!

Rejoice in the power and protection of the Lord.

God knows what you need, ahead of you asking Him for it. Be at peace.

The devil is giving you temporary worry. He will throw all that he has at you to get you off believing. Walk on in what you know as the truth.

Believe in yourself, as God believes in you.

Rest in the knowledge that God has accepted you. Ignore the comments from others who are jealous of you or in their doubt of themselves they criticize you.

When you raise your children, be careful to remember that they have been given to you as a gift from God.

Keep your baggage off your children. Encourage them in small things. This will be the best gift you can give them.

Encourage your children. When they are older they will be able to take risk and be a success without being afraid.

Listen to your children. Be available to them. Let them know that you accept them and that you are there for them if they fall.

Show your children that they are loved. In this way you will prevent them for chasing after love when they are older.

Take time to listen to one another. Everyone has a story...

Get thee behind me Satan. Keep your hands off my body and spirit.

It amazes me how some people reject who you are yet want to pull you in to play their game. It's time to move on emotionally from toxic people.

You need to just accept that some people don't see what you see.

God will provide me with the resources to do what He has commanded me to do.

Fortify and strengthen the Word of the Lord. Let others see His power in your life.

Learn who God made you to be. If you don't do what He has called you to do you will become emotionally frustrated and stifled.

Don't judge another person's heart. Leave that up to God. Your job is to do what you are called to do.

Spend time alone with the Lord. Listen for His voice. Read His Word. He'll guide you.

What a joy that we can lay all our fears, worries and concerns at the foot of the cross!

Did your father or mother hurt you when you were growing up? Forgive them. Jesus commands this. You will go free and prosper when you do this.

Praise God every day for the life He has given you.

I pray that God is the chief organizer of my heart.

If I ever get concerned that I have gone off the road that the Lord wants me to be on, all I have to do is ask Him for help.

Lord, make Your ways my ways. Create in me a heart that searches daily after You.

Lord, make my priorities Your priorities.

I pray for the sick and the poor, that my God shall feed and nourish them in all ways...

Remember, God is always working behind the scenes to guide those who seek His face...

I thank God for the mentors He has put in my life. Whether they realize it or not, they are angels in His service.

Make yourself available. Be obedient, and the Lord will prosper you.

As a follower of Christ, the Holy Spirit will give you the gift of discernment.

In what time I am afraid (and I have had many of these times) I will trust in You, O Lord...

Let those around you see God's heart in you.

When you are in trouble and receive help, remember this. Serve others with the same help, and by this you serve the Lord.

The best thing about faith in God through Jesus Christ is unconditional love. I am not alone. He gives me purpose, direction and comfort!

I have no reason to panic because my God is with me. Life is not out of control. He holds me in His hands.

Feel the pain of those around you who are suffering. When you see others in need and react you will stop focusing on your own problems.

Don't hold a grudge against another person. How can God answer your prayer when you have a log of hate within your heart?

When I feel alone I cry, but I know that you O Lord are my comfort.

Comfort someone else in need. Give someone encouragement and hope.

Empathize with one who is hurting. Show that person that with God the situation is not hopeless. It doesn't cost much, just your time and a piece of your heart.

Don't play God. God alone is responsible for being God.

Your role as a Christian is to provide compassion and love. In that you will deliver peace to one another and will automatically point them to the God of love, the Lord Jesus Christ.

God, show me the contradictions within my heart. Break down the pride within me.

God, forgive me when I fail to walk Your walk. Forgive me when I am not obedient.

Joseph-Paul Timpano is a seasoned CPA & freelance writer of accounting/business based docuements and Christian inspirational publications.  

Unpublished work  2014 by JP Timpano  Contact: [email protected] 

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