An Alphabetical Prayer For A New School Year
by Kim Hubbard

Ability- for students to use their God given abilities
Bullying- to have no bullying.
Courage for teachers and students to stand for the truth of God's word.
Dormitory life to be honoring to God
Effort on the part of the students and teacher the whole year.
First year milestones- Kindergarten, college freshmen etc.
God to be first in the student's lives
Improved learning throughout the year
Jesus to be/stay the focus of teachers/students lives
Knowledge to be gained and retained
Learning to be fun
Models- teachers who are Godly role models
No violence on any campus anywhere
Oppression from the enemy of souls to be restrained
Parents to be supportive and yet assertive if a school is teaching things not in line with the Bible
Quiet time for devotions and family time at the end of the day.
Retention of materiel at and beyond test time
Safety for all teachers, students and staff
Teachers to be in agreement with parents and one another and work as a team
Understanding the concepts that are being taught
Valued-that all individuals would know their value as a creation in the image of God.
Wisdom to be gained and knowledge applied correctly
Youth that are educated today to become honorable and God honoring leaders of tomorrow.
Zeal- that students and teachers will have zeal toward teaching/ learning at the end of the year as well as the beginning.

Kim Hubbard
[email protected]

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