Healing: The Children's Bread
by Kameron Elliott

In Matt. 15:26, Jesus calls healing the children's bread and sickness a form of satanic oppression in Luke 13:26. Healing is from God and belongs to the saints while sickness is of the devil. God sent Jesus in the earth many years ago to heal and deliver, and this is still his ministry today. God's will is that we succeed in every area of our lives, especially our health, so we can freely fulfill his plan for us. As the man of Gadarenes was, bound by chain and fetters and possessed with a legion of demons, God could not use him. Masses are in the same boat today, bound and unusable by the Father. But when Jesus showed up, he turned him into a clean-cut preacher.
Many of the people of God suffer with diverse sickness and aliments, but they do not have to. Jesus bore them on the cross, along with our sins, so we could be free. Duet. 28 tells us that any sickness is under the curse. On the contrary, Gal. 3:13 says we have been redeemed from the curse. Psalms 103 list benefits of the believer and healing from all diseases is second on the list. We no longer have to put up with colds, headaches, cancer, AIDS, or any other disease. According to 1 Tim. 2:4, God desires that all men be saved. The word saved is sz in the Greek. It means saved, healed, delivered, sound, and whole. God not only want all men to be saved, but all men to be healed.
One might say they believe God wants them healed but how do they become healed? Jesus gave us the answer in the book of Mark, "Your faith has made thee whole." Healing is not wrought in God's ability to perform but in man's capacity to believe. Jesus asked the man that laid by the pool, "Wilt thou be made whole?" Jesus did not just tell the man to be healed, but he asked him would he receive it. This man could have looked at his current situation or at his failed pass attempts to make it to the troubled water. He chose to look only at Jesus and that's when he received his healing. I challenge you today to only look at Jesus in the face of sickness or even death is at your doorstep. Jesus is the same now as he was then and is no respecter of persons. If those of old believed and Jesus healed them, if you will believe he will heal you today.

Kameron Elliott; Raleigh, NC

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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