Redemption of the Kingdom
by wade jones

"My son, I am redeeming the land. I truly am obtaining and releasing My inheritance. That which from the beginning of time was rightfully Mine and in a sense, always has been Mine.

As the processes unravel, you will see and know things which have been previously withheld. You will experience that which not only have you never experienced, but that which has never been experienced before.

Even the activities of the previous few nights are foreign unto My people, as that which they have not know before. Even the deliverance that came sovereignly by My hands, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, and by the words of agreement you have spoken this early AM, are above and beyond that which has been available to experience in times and seasons of the past. And even in the night you have become more familiar with these processes. Even and especially beginning now, you will become more familiar with them.

For I have told you, 'you are My deliverer.' I have said time and again, 'you will deliver many.' And what is taking place now, even within your own vessel at My hand, is to be a roadmap for the deliverance that will follow with many others.

I have placed My hands upon you so that you may place yours upon others. I have given you hidden wisdom so that it may be released into the earth at My appropriate time, so that we shall indeed work together in the redeeming processes of My land, My people, those who will be greatly submitted to My will, those who will be closest to Me, that I shall call My own.

For they are an elect crowd. And though I speak of many, I do not do so in reference to a high percentage of those who profess Me with their lips, but only those with a sincere heart before Me. And when I make reference to many, it is only in the sense that you do indeed have your work cut out for you. For there are few who have been called by My name to walk in the authority and the office I have given you, to gather Mine in, and to accomplish the task at hand, again by My hand.

It is good the deliverance that has come this night. It is good that you have made a choice not to continue to look back. And since in your heart and in Mine, we have come into complete agreement in this matter in this hour, I have granted you this healing, I have granted you this deliverance, and now we shall move ahead in the fullness of what I have given you, so that yourself and others may benefit from this gift and this deliverance.

You're seeing well the expectations I have of others which they are not seeing. You have heard Me clearly this morning when I said that I cannot work in areas of their lives where they defend their rights or others rights, to think the way they do or believe the way they desire to believe. For it is not their thoughts or their desires that will bring them to the place I would choose for them to be.

For you are right. It is My desires they must be seeking. It is My thoughts they must be thinking and anything less than the mind-of-Christ and the heart-of-God in these matters will not be acceptable in the arenas which I am speaking to you about, and have given you charge and authority over.

For this one says I believe this, and that one says I believe that. And each of these look to one another and say, 'Yes, this is your right. To believe as you desire to believe.' But I say, 'No. It is not so.' In My Kingdom, the only right thing, is to see things as I see them.

If you are not willing to see things My way, then walk your own and know that you have progressed in your own ways and manners and your progression has only led you to you, the futility and the fullness of who you are and who you want to be, all the while defending the stance you have taken while giving little or no consideration to My own.

This is indeed why I spoke to you recently that the Kingdom of God will be taken and it will be taken with violence. There is and will be a great battle between that which man would desire and defend and what they refer to as their Christian beliefs, and that which is Mine, that they have been given an opportunity to come into understanding of.

For many have spent hours desirous of creating and defining their belief systems while giving little time to seeking Me for undertsanding of Mine.
It is written in My word and it is written clearly. What I have said is that to My true disciples, those who truly have a heart after My own, those I will speak to clearly. And to the others, even in parables of their own minds and imaginations, so that they may join in the carnal folly of what some refer to as knowledge, and then again try to credit Me with that knowledge.

This is not My way. It never has been and it never will be. For those who have placed what they "think", on a pedastal, are now walking a very slippery slope. And if not extremely cautious, the only way to slide is down. And this, many have chosen to do.

Broaden your shoulders and square your stance My friend...Along came a spider and set down beside her and beside who you may say. Beside that which will be and is quickly becoming the harlot.

For she is ruthless in her attempts to pursue her own ways. She is wicked in her demonstration of her own goods and wares. And she will stop at nothing to try and advance her cause, contrary to that which I call My own.

Be aware of her devices and know her many entices and stay far from her gatherings. Do this in honor of Me and see if you do not agree that great advancement will continue to come amongst the ranks of My file and order.

Remember the borders I speak of establishing. And know that many are done and others are in completion. Mine will advance. They will be seen and known and recognized as none have in their lifetimes. They will do great feats. They will walk in great victories. They will advance My Kingdom, and their advancement will be Mine. Thus sayeth the Lord, Amen."
[email protected] from the West Bank

My name is Wade. i am from Arkansas. I have had much, very much and now very little of this world's goods. These things were required of me to walk the path I have been chosen to walk and it has not been easy. The trials and tribulations have been great and many. The hatred from many has been severe

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