Awkwardly Uncomfortable or A Blessing?
by Steve Countryman

It's morning and there is a knock at the front door. You get up from your breakfast and go to answer it. You open the door to find a deliveryman standing there with an envelope in his hand for you. You sign for it and close the door on the deliveryman with a very surprised and bewildered look on your face. You open the outer envelope to reveal the letter inside. To your surprise you pull out a envelope that is totally different than any you have ever seen before. This one seems to glow. It is very white with gold trim around the edges and is addressed to you in gold ink. You turn it over to open it and notice that it has been sealed with a wax seal. The wax seal has been stamped with a symbol. The symbol resembles a cross but comes to a point at the bottom like a sword.

You open the envelope and pull out the letter. It too is very white and has a glow to it. It has gold trim around the edges and is also written in gold ink. It reads. Hello and peace be with you. My name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth and I would like to visit with you very soon. I will be staying at your home for two weeks so that we can get to know each other better. I'm sure that we will have a great encounter together and I am anxious to spend some quality time with you and meet your friends. Please do not make any special arrangements for my stay. See you soon, Jesus your Lord and Creator.

What would you do? Would you prepare your home to receive God's only Son? Would you go through your house and get rid of everything that could offend Jesus? Or would you leave everything just like it is? Would you put on your best face trying to pretend everything is okay or would you just be you? Would you ask all the questions that you have on your mind or would you try to just listen. Would you make sure your friends don't come around while Jesus is at your home or would you boldly introduce Him to them? Would you worry that Jesus is coming to spend time with you to point out all of your shortcomings and failures? To criticize your life and life style. Do you think that He will find fault in your apathetic attitude and ask why you don't tell others about Him? Or do think that Jesus will give you a pop quiz on His word the Bible? All of these examples would make you awkwardly uncomfortable.

If that is what you think of Jesus then you will find any excuse to turn down His visit with you. Does His letter mention any of those things that are mentioned above? Isn't this the same Jesus that died on the cross for all of your sins, faults, failures and flaws? Doesn't it make sense that this same Jesus just wants to spend time with you so that He can enjoy your company? He is so full of love for you that He wants to encourage you every day to do better not to pick you apart or demean you! Are you ashamed to tell your friends about Jesus and what He means to you?

It is amazing to think how we would act if we would receive such a letter. What we would change, or do, or say while we are around Jesus. The truth is that we are around Jesus 24/7 for we are His dwelling place. He lives in us that is why we are His temple! Jesus doesn't want visitation rights to spend some time with us whenever we can fit Him in. He eagerly desires habitation rights to spend all of your time with Him, a blessing!

What you may not realize about this truth is what may surprise you. For at the time of salvation Jesus shows up at the door of your heart to move in. With Him He brings ALL of the blessings that Father God has assigned to you. So many blessings that you do not have room enough for them. Jesus also brings with Him ALL the power and authority of heaven for you to use in His name. One of my friends described it well the other day, "It is like we His children have been given the power of attorney to do miraculous things in the name of Jesus." So if you are one who would panic at reading such a letter then you may have some areas that need your attention. It is always a good idea to look at yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to help you with your problem areas. By allowing the Holy Spirit to change you from glory to glory your time spent with Jesus becomes more and more of a wonderful blessing that you will thirst for!

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