Who Will I Be Today?
by Linda Weaver

Scripture tells us that God's ways are higher than ours. Our imagination doesn't do justice when it comes to working out the details of our lives and the purposes God has for us. We can't know just how effective we can be in His hands until we follow His guidance and step out in His courage as He directs us.

Our first concern is usually ourselves. We consider all the ways that our lives will be affected and how we are going to be inconvenienced. We reason and plot, plan and scheme. We don't mean to be crafty. But we can be.

Robert Burns was a poet from Scotland. In his Scottish dialect he said, " "O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!" Or simply, "I wish for a power to give us this gift: Being able to see ourselves the way other people see us." (Wikiquote)

Each of us sees ourselves differently than others do. We wear many masks. We want others to like us and to accept us, so we have become adept at changing those masks as needed. We work so hard at being what others want us to be that we do not become all that God intended. We rest secure in our own decisions instead of yielding to His direction for our lives.

I don't know about you, but I have an idea of how I want my life to be. I set my goals and work hard at achieving them. If something comes up to interfere with my preconceived ideas, it upsets me - or, it used to. I have discovered that God's ways are always so superior to mine. I have to bury my flesh, my emotions, my "rights", my will. It's called FAITH.

God sees potential in all of us. He knows our limits. He uses all the pain and failures in our lives to train us. We don't pass through our trials and tribulations for no reason. Even if we have brought them upon ourselves! God can use everything that is meant for our destruction as a gift to someone who needs us to understand what is happening in their lives. They need someone who has received God's grace and mercy to show them that same grace and mercy.

No experience is wasted. We need one another. We should sometimes forget the awkwardness we are subject to or the inconvenience of the disruption in our lives - if God has a task for us that is not exactly what we had made room for in our goal setting.

We should always be available to God if we truly want Him to use us as His disciples. We must look beyond our own comfortable surroundings and yield to His call - whatever it might be.



Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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