Battles Fought at Battlefields

As warriors of God, we fight "spiritual battles" mightily as one army, fearless of the imminent dangers and uphill tasks. These spiritual battles refer to warring against our fleshly ways, in search of God's truth, Way and life (John 14:6). Even as we groan in pain and suffer for but a little while, before we are changed to become God's perfected creations. And, it is this point in time do we glorify and praise God, joyously for reigning over our enemies.

Though these battles seemingly are fought together as one body of Christ, but it remains tracing back to a personal decision to actively participate in them. If individually, we are not prepared to ask God to transform us from our selfish desires, shortcomings and weaknesses, God would not interrupt our ways of living. He is a godly and patient gentleman, who acts upon our invitation. Only as we ask God, are our hearts indicating our readiness to pursue after this upward calling of perfection, regardless the cost of difficulties. For we know, whether we are down the valley, or at the mount of the Lord, as we pray, God appears to us faster than the speed of light, to help.

The heated battles, with great victories need not be fought in faraway places, like for example, in missionary trips a hundred miles away. They are just places where we are situated, living and operating in currently. For God has designated this position for you, to witness God's awesome powers delivering us, our family and community, from all darkness, poverty, idolatry & wickedness. God is making us HIS instruments to deliver God's words of truth, prayer warriors, servants of righteousness, and ambassadors of Christ. It is during the sustenance of our everyday living, which we grow intimately towards God having received HIS blessings of love.

Appointed ministers of God will come and go. They are called as stewards, to assist in the dispensation of gifting and callings to their fellow brethrens. They assist in planting the seeds and harvesting the fruits, but it is God who provides the growth (1 Co 3:6-8). Upon the release of HIS anointing unto us, HE will reveal to us personally, the potential abilities of the anointing with such comforting peace. Sometimes, we find this initial experience of peace only briefly, but as HE changes the old wineskins to new ones, would HE pours continuously the new wine, as according to HIS promise (Matt 9:17). HIS comforting peace becomes more reassuring as we submit to HIM in obedience, in godly desire to see our old selves change and follow after HIS will. The more we choose to surrender for HIS changing of our lives, the more real and alive HE, be looked upon by us.

So, teach us of God, to dwell not on the forthcoming pains during battles ahead of us, instead let us depend on God, the commander of the army to take that charge. Victory is sweet, many have proclaimed and we shall do fine dining in celebration of our lives transformed to become whom you take pleasure, in likeness of your Son, Jesus Christ!

I am a working Christian adult with a passion to write on personal intimacy with God, as lead by the Holy Spirit.

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