Life: The Greatest Production Ever Written
by Rochelle Arnold

Our Purpose Here

We all have a role to play in this dramatic production which we call life. Before we were ever formed in our mother's womb, God formed our spirit. (Jeremiah 1:5) The Bible says we were created for a purpose preordained by the Father. The Maker of all the universe knew us intimately before we ever came into existence in the flesh. He has something for each of us to accomplish while we are here on earth.

The Bible also tells us that the spirit realm is more real than the physical realm. In other words, the things that we cannot naturally see with our physical eyes our more real than we know. We are spirits that live in a body and possess a soul. Since God is a Spirit He speaks to us through our spirit. In order to be able to interpret the Bible correctly we need the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit inspired the writers' of the Bible. (2 Peter 1:20)

Even though some would argue that you can make the Bible say what you want it to say, it is clear that those who are able to rightly divide the Word must study it and be in tune with the Holy Spirit to have the correct interpretation. (2 Timothy 2:15)

What Part Do You Play?

As we get a little bit older and experience life many of us ask ourselves what is this life all about. What's it all for? We begin to see as the years fly by just how fragile life is. We weather the storms of life and rejoice in the gift of life, but is this the only life we have? Some people think so, but I'm not one of those people. Based upon what I have read in the Bible and been shown through the Holy Spirit's guidance. This is not it!

I believe this life is merely a pre-show for the main show ahead of us. When we pass from this life into the next, I believe we will be pleasantly surprised. That is if we have made Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and accept Him into our life. I also believe the prayer of faith with the anointing of oil can heal the sick by either a physical healing and/or a spiritual healing or both, but that is a topic for another newsletter. (James 5:14)

The Bible does describe what heaven looks like, but I don't find out a lot about what I will be doing in heaven. There are some clues though. We know that there will be praise and worship in heaven. We know that we will be reunited with loved ones who died in Christ and we will most likely be learning and working toward the time when the saints rule and reign with Jesus in the New Jerusalem. (Revelation 3:12) We know that there are streets of gold, pools of living water, and heavenly angels there.

Is it possible for us to get a glimpse of heaven from this side? Some of the saints in the Bible describe visions of heaven. (Revelation 21:21) So what is our purpose on this side of heaven in a place we call earth? I believe to serve each other and especially those who are hurting, suffering and in need of the basics. The Lord said if you give such a one a drink of water you will be doing it for Him. As believer's in Jesus Christ we are to share the good news of the gospel and it is truly good news.

The Good News

The good news is that Jesus Christ died for every person in the world. He took the sin for all mankind upon His flesh. Because Jesus did this, we are made right with God and able to enter into His presence with boldness. As believers we also reap all the benefits that Jesus died to secure for us. We can pray and believe for healing, blessings, protection and peace. We can rest in the promise that all things work together for our good. We are saved by grace through faith in Christ that we may also be raised from the dead and inherit eternal life.

Last Sunday while at church I witnessed a little girl go to the front of the sanctuary near the altar and drop to her knees. With her hands in the air, she worshiped the Lord with a simple, pure and innocent childlike faith. I felt a surge in the spirit realm as she did this. Then the Lord began to speak to my heart and remind me that we must come like this child to him without pretense, without manipulation, without pride, and worship Him in spirit and truth. We must be humble and willing to do whatever He asks us to do for the Kingdom of God.

As we humble ourselves and serve, the Lord will provide us with everything we need. The Lord said it himself, "The greatest among you is the one who serves." (Matthew 23:11) So no matter what role you play in life it is most important to serve. It doesn't matter if you are the star of the show or a background stage hand. It doesn't matter necessarily how important the world sees the work the Lord gives you, but it only matters how it effects eternity.

The Bible says that thief and moth destroy material things, but spiritual things live on forever. (Matthew 6:19) So love one and other and humble yourself in this life. Your dust is no better than my dust and my dust is no better than yours my friend. Neither is our dust any better than the lowly homeless man or woman that sleeps under the bridge tonight. See other people as Jesus sees them through the eyes of love and then we will be sure that we are accomplishing the work He has for us here on earth. We will play a part in the greatest production ever made called life and fulfill our purpose for all eternity.

Rochelle Arnold graduated from RHEMA Bible School and is the Founder of Change the World Ministries. Her desire is to impact the culture for Christ through sound teaching and the fine arts. Author of Rags or Robes: Finding Your Identity in Christ & SOJOURNERS: In a Strange Land available on Amazon

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