WHITE TOXIC BOW RIDER (Revelation 6:1-2)
by Wade Nye


Revelation 6:1-2 I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come! " I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow (Greek "toxon"), and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

The following passage is the very first event on earth after the Laodicean age of the church. It is a very disturbing allegory.It shows a picture of people who no longer want to operate and bring fourth the kingdom of Christ under the authority of Christ.They have decided to use the name and kingdom of Christ for physical conquest. They have a crown that was given to them.Christ had given them authority to rule the earth. This crown is no longer being used for Christ's glory it is being used for the gain of Christ's subjects glory.People using the name of Christ for their own conquest. Toxon (Greek for Archery Bow) is only mentioned once in the New Testament in Revelation 6: 2. The word Toxon comes from Taxus Baccata (The Yew Tree). In Strong's concordance it is shown to be from the root Tikto which means to spring forth or to sprout up or produce or to spring forth or travail. Other Greek sources make no connection between Tikto.and Toxon In fact we see little phonetic connection between Tikto and Toxon. (Strong's may have gotten it wrong on this one.) The Yew tree is an amazing tree. The center of the tree continuously dies but the branches force life back down through the center. In history it had 3 main uses

1. To produce poison, It coated the tips of arrows and projectiles. It was of major use to politicians and officials to commit suicide(Hemlock) and to kill opponents. Every part of the Yew tree is laden with deadly poison. There is a small part of the fruit that is not poisonous but every other part is deadly. This is where we get the word TOXIC from.

2. It was highly treasured in manufacturing bows for archery. Prized above all other trees because of the wood that bends but does not break. The Yew tree is the only wood that a long bow can be made from. Robin Hood it is assumed to of used the longbow. Also Robin's tree was a Yew tree.

3. The Yew tree was used in pagan rituals as a place of worship. The Celtics used the tree to make staff's, bowls, lampstands and other pagan articles. It was sacred to Druids and Celtics as a place of worship. The Yew tree is the longest lived organism on earth. It is believed that they can and have lived 6000 years. There is a reoccurring legend that has persisted for centuries that Pontius Pilate was born in Fortingall, Scotland under a still living Yew tree. In Europe in an early Christian practice, churches were built near a Yew tree to prevent its use in pagan rituals. Later on, unfortunately they were placed in church graveyards, as an external sign of eternal life. The Yew today has been much widely in the news because of the drug Taxol which treats cancer in woman's reproductive and lactating parts. It does this because it prevents cells from reproducing. The problem with Taxol is that 10 one hundred year old trees have to be chopped down to treat 1 patient.

The word Yew is where names York, Yorkshire, New York City and Duchess of York come from. Eboracum, meaning place of the Yew tree, Eburorovices was a pagan Celtic tribe that dominated the area. The tribal name means "warriors of the place of the Yew tree".This tribe's name was transformed to the word York. York, Britain was established by Roman soldiers. It was the site of the first Roman fortress in Britain. It was picked for it's easy defense and strategic location. In AD 306 the Roman Emperor Constantius died in York. His son Constantine was then declared Emperor of Rome in the Roman fortress of York. Constantine was later the first Christian Emperor of Rome. He allowed religious tolerance in all Roman territories. Around AD 740 York became the Roman Catholic center of England and northern Europe. It became an internationally known center of religious learning. It was called ALTERA ROMA the alternate Rome. Later it lost its prominence under Henry the 8th when he broke with the Pope in Rome.

York was also the region that Scrooby was in. It was the regional birthplace of the primitave church of our pilgrim forefathers. The man riding on a white horse carrying a bow is a major source of dispute in eschatology.Many state that it is Christ. I doubt it is Christ, Christ is the lamb. The lamb opened the seal that revealed the rider. John would have had to have seen 2 Christs one as a lamb one as rider on white horse for Christ to be the rider. Christ would be carrying the bow. It would be dificult to imagine Christ carrying the symbol a hunter. So many negative characters in the OT were hunters.(Esau,Nimrod, Ishmael ect.)Hunters are a portrait of pretators.A threat to the flock. Pictured is powerful group of people claiming Christ yet not choosing to overcome the world.This rider has chosen to overcome people. It seems more to indicate a nation that seeks to use Christ as a weapon. But this weapon is not actually Christ it is a city's political, religious and economic power.

I do not see how this bow could represent anything else except a religiously powerful New York City. This may seem far fetched but time can transform nations and cities and people in unimaginable ways. Rome that killed Christians for entertainment puposes became the center of Christian activity on earth. Germany the birthplace of the reformation became the birthplace of the Nazi Holocaust. Quickly afterwards Germany became one of the stongest advocates for democracy in the world. The bow makes implications towards warfare without physical engagement. A bow hints at remote control warfare.Warfare with limited physical risk to it's initiator Nimrod was a mighty bow hunter.He was also the first warrior. This type of warfare belongs to God alone.It makes implications towards those enemies of God who wish to have the power of God without paying any price.Earthly conquest by bow whether financial, religious or by war although many times it could be said that it is for the common good it never brings anything fourth but disaster.

When He returns Christ's weapon will be short sword. His weapon will not be empty like this bow rider.He carries the weapon of close engagement. Christ fears no harm to himself. In Christ there is no fear.He has overcome sin so he needs no separartion from the world when he returns for conquest.His weapons will not be remote.

We see a picture of what angers God. The mixture the confusion. Hot and Cold mixed together.Formed in purity. You see a nation represented by one man bent on conquest while riding on the White Horse of it's claimed purity. Few things get God's attention quicker than men moving collectively in the role reserved only for God.At one time God controlled the nations by the "Bow" the remote weapon.This is no longer needed. Christ is not remote.He came down and dwelled with man.He overcame the world. Ruling nations by dominion is reserved only for God. To man it seems good to rule by dominion because no bloodshed is involved.But this attempting to take the role of God.It get's his attention.Especially if those people claim to be working under God's authority.

The conquests of this rider are not by conventional war. This conquest is all done in the name of goodness. But pride is its root; Nimrod like pride. The rider seeks to expand God's kingdom on human terms. Represented by the "Bow" or the city of the bow. This is the city, which represents a desire for world wide domination all in the name of the helping Christ be in charge. This is a city that does not seek conquest with conventional weapons. This is Mystery Babylon the Great City of opportunity, Mysterious City of the aged poison laden bow tree.

Clearly Christ is returning to his kingdom for a similar reason that he came in the first place.When Christ first came to Israel the Pharisees and Priests and Scribes were taking God's glory,authority and power for themselves. Like their father satan the robber. This time though he will not return as a servant. He will return as a righteous king to slay and imprison all who are destroying or betraying his kingdom. I am resisisting refering to other scriptures in the book of Revelation. But I am sure other scriptures in Revelation have been opened up by these words. I am also refraining from making historical conclusions and will leave much room for the reader by way of the Holy Spirit's guidance to draw his own historical and spiritual conclusions.

W.M. Nye
Sunday School Teacher & son of Missionary/Pastor
[email protected]

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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