Of Medical Waste and Babies
by Terry L. Brown

One of the arguments pro-abortionists have used for years to justify the killing of unborn human beings is that the unborn aren't human. They argue that the life within the mother is nothing more than a clump of cells or tissue matter. The argument isn't true, of course. It's a lie. The truth is unborn human beings are just that, human beings. But this lie found fertile soil in which to grow and took root in the minds of many because it helped deaden the conscience of those who wanted it to be true so they could murder their unborn baby with as little guilt as possible. But even a deaden conscience can be shocked into exhibiting signs of life if the consequences of believing the lie that deadened it are exposed to a spotlight. Such a spotlight was turned on in England.

It was discovered that some hospitals in England admitted to burning thousands of "fetal bodies" (a politically correct term for "miscarried or aborted baby") along with other hospital medical waste. To add insult to injury some of these hospitals were burning these miscarried and aborted babies, these human beings, to use as a source of material to heat the hospitals.

These hospitals and those who own and operate them are as guilty of crimes on the level of Nazi Germany's atrocities.

Shocking? It should be. Burning human remains as so much medical waste to provide heat for the living should be shocking. It's a crime so heinous, so evil, so diabolical, that even the consciences of some of those who have faithfully repeated the mantra of Planned Parenthood and NARAL and other abortion providers and advocates that the unborn are just a clump of cells of tissue matter have felt the shock. But why? If the unborn aren't human, if they are nothing more than a clump of cells, tissue matter, a foreign invader in a woman's body, then the unborn are medical waste and to burn the unborn, for whatever purpose, shouldn't be anymore shocking than burning a wart or tumor removed from one's body.

Listen carefully. If you believe abortion is an acceptable practice and justify it by telling yourself and others that the unborn aren't human, but simply a clump of cells or tissue matter, you have no right to be shocked by what these hospitals in England have done. It would be hypocritical for you to be shocked by this, unless you would be equally shocked if a hospital burned warts and tumors to dispose of them.

The truth is we are shocked because the unborn are human beings. And what these hospitals have done should be enough to convince everyone of that truth. But it won't.

Man is becoming so self-centered, concerned primarily for feeding the lusts and pleasures of the flesh that this which shocks us today will not shock us tomorrow. The deadness of the spirit will deepen and it will take a yet more heinous crime to spark a sign of life within us.

What will you do when the born, not the unborn, but the born who are weak, or the unfit (in the eyes of the State), or the old, or those who are a drain to the limited resources of our society because of their physical and mental conditions, are disposed of as so much medical waste?

Seems impossible to believe doesn't? So did burning the unborn so the living could stay warm on a cold winter's night.

Copyright: Terry L. Brown

Terry lives in Billings, MT with his wife, Julie.

Terry graduated from Yellowstone Valley Bible Institute in June 2003. He authored "Hallowed Be Thy Name" available at www.authorhouse.com/ 

Email: [email protected]


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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