Top 10 Reasons Online Homeschooling is BEST
by Mimi Rothschild

Top 10 Reasons Homeschooling Online is BEST!
By Mimi Rothschild
Online homeschooling is the #1 way to homeschool. 92% of homeschoolers homeschool online! Homeschooling online has tremendous benefits for both students and their parents. Here are 10:

1. Online homeschooling empowers parents to give their children a world class thoroughly relevant 'Christian education'. With the abundance of Bibilcally based online homeschooling programs and internet based resources, Christians can now protect their children from the influences of the world by giving them a state of the art Christian education without having to do it all by themselves."Train them up in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not department from it" This is God's promise to Christian parents, but it comes with instructions for us which we must follow if we want our children to stay close to the Lord.
2. Parents choose the time and the course of study for their children without having to follow restrictive rules that cater to the needs of an institution rather than the needs of the family. One size all education fits no child. Life is short. The time we have with our children is even shorter. It is our responsibility to maximize the time God has given you with your precious little ones. A good online Homeschooling program will significantly reduce the time you have to prepare lessons, grade tests, and teach new concepts.
3. Professional educators and subject matter experts have assembled the syllabus, the daily lessons, the tests, the projects, the books and the videos that are available to children enrolled in an online homeschooling Academy. You literally get the best of both worlds. Through a good online homeschooling program, you get state of the art materials while also protecting them from the world.
4. Online homeschooling gives the children access to qualified professionals who have been called to teach. Both parents and students find it very helpful to have teacher support than to try to homeschool completely alone. There are many subjects areas that parents find extremely difficult, if not impossible to teach. For example, how many parents are qualified to teach Algebra, Biology, or a foreign language, yet those three courses are required for college admissions.
5. Nobody will ever love or know your child the way devoted parents do. Homeschooling affords children the ability to be supervised and taught by those that love them the most and are the most committed to their growth and success.
6. Online homeschooling sends right into your home daily lessons for every student. This cuts significantly down on time that parents need to spend on preparation freeing up more time for parents to do the other zillion things they do. Whether its babies, toddlers, special needs children, household demands, working outside the home, church functions, coops, outside lessons, sports, youth groups or any one of the other myriad of responsibilities a parent has, online homeschooling helps in a very huge way with the sometimes overwhelming calling of being a parent.
7. Parents are privileged to be able spend more time with their children and they get more time for intentionallyparenting their children. More time creates stronger family bonds. More time enables you to capture the teachable moments and leverage them for communicating the Word of God.
8. Online homeschooling in a private accredited online school eliminates the need to report or submit to the requirements of the local school authorities.
9. More than 90% of the homeschoolers use some form of online homeschooling, according to Brian Ray of the Homeschool Research Institute.
10. A solid online homeschooling program provides everything your family needs for a successful academic experience ranging from multimedia curriculum to interactive educational videos to engaging ebooks and so much more. Graduates receive high school diplomas which can positively impact their future.

Mimi Rothschild ( is a mother of 8, grandmother of 4 and lifelong homeschooler. In 2001, she co-founded Learning By Grace (, a Christian ministry that manages Online Homeschooling Programs such as The MorningStar Academy ( 

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