My Little Girl
by Jerry Ousley

After her graduation we had a party for our daughter Megan. I had manned the grill kidding that Deb does the inside cooking while I do the outside cooking. Debbie had worked very hard to make this day a very special and memorable one for Megan and I believe she succeeded. Before eating I was asked to "bless the food" and I was willing to do so. At the end of my prayer I prayed a pun asking the Lord to not let the cook poison the guests and of course got a chuckle or two out of that. But what I really wanted to add to that pun was "Lord, don't let the cook poison the guests, especially one particular young man who I won't name but seems to spend more time with my little girl now than I do." Of course I was referring to her boyfriend (now husband) Zach. I told Zach about this and he got a good laugh out of it.

The point is that my little girl is all grown up now. I remember that little toddler of a girl who used to follow daddy around. She wanted to help me change the oil in the car and work on the house when something needed fixing. Sometimes if I was in a hurry she would get in the way but it was really fun having her tag along.

Any time Deb would be sick on a Sunday morning (which wasn't often) I'd try to be especially quiet so as not to awaken Megan. It never failed that I would be within minutes of leaving and Meg would be up wondering where daddy was going. "I want to go!" she'd say. How can you refuse a child the opportunity of going to church? So I'd get her dressed in a hurry and off we'd go.

I miss that little hand that I held when she need to know that her daddy was strong and would take care of her. I miss her snuggling in the bed between Debbie and I. I miss the time I took her to a father-daughter dance when she was in the "Brownies." It seems like you're changing diapers and blink a couple of times and they're graduating from high school and getting ready to go off to college. Where'd all the time go?

I wonder if it's like that for God? I'm sure the time goes even faster for One to whom time is meaningless a thousand years passes like a day (2 Peter 3:8). The fact is God loves His children more than we can even imagine. I know it is hard to accept but He really does love us more than we love our own children.

But it works a little differently with God in that He is thrilled as we grow up. For us our children growing up means an "empty nest." But for God it means that His children are merely getting closer to Him. That's exciting.

Honestly it grieves Him when we don't grow up because it means that we are stuck in our spiritual relationship. In our Christian experience growing simply means that we are learning more about our walk with our Heavenly Father. It means that we are taking steps toward home not away from it. As we grow we can embrace our Lord and Savior even more instead of feeling shy about it and that's worth more than all the snuggles and kisses in the world!

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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