The Blind Man On My Mind (Text: Mark 10:46-52)
by Oge Maduka

Blind and begging by the road side- Two major situations- Blind and begging. Jesus, His disciples, together with a large crowd were passing by. Another situation- Blind Bartimaeus was not the mission. He was not in the plan. He only HEARD that Jesus was passing...He didn't see, He just heard. What did he do? He began to shout "Son of David have mercy on me." He was crying for mercy.

How many times will you hear about Jesus before you begin to cry for mercy?

Something interesting happened. Mark10:16 says: "Many started rebuking him to be quite." Isn't that strange and ironical? That the one person who probably needed the greatest help is being hushed to keep quiet by people who were following Jesus and should have encouraged him to present his case to the only person, Jesus, who could help him?

When you need help and crying for mercy...many will discourage you even from within the church. When you are doing the right thing, many will try to stop you. When you are seeking the face God many will mock you.

I really like what Mr. blind Bart. did to his detractors. "He shouted all the more, 'Son of David have mercy on me'" There was no stopping him. He remained focused and persistent. Why? He knew the Solution to his condition had come and he was focused on Him, even without his eyes. Stay focused on the goal! Speak out! Don't die in silence. Don't be ashamed to shout for mercy.

Suddenly, the blind man got the attention of Jesus. Yes! When we call upon the name of The Lord, He comes to our rescue. "Jesus stopped and said, 'CALL HIM'". Now, a life is about to be transformed, but at this point, it is just an invitation for change, transformation has not occurred but,there is an offer. Something needs to happen to complete the cycle. There has to be an acceptance! The truth is that many are called but only a few answer. Sometimes deliverance will be at our door step and we still miss it.

Meanwhile, when Jesus called, the same people who were rebuking Bartimaeus to shut up, turned around to encourage him, saying; Cheer up! On your feet! He is calling you!" When you have a vision or dream, not everyone will get it. Some will think you are crazy, some will do their best to kill it, many will criticize, but as soon as they see that you are succeeding, the same people will come around to tell you how wonderful the vision is and clamour to be part of the dream come true. Success sure brings a lot of friends.

What did our star character do on hearing the call? "Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus." Another Bible translation says, 'He sprang to his feet'. His response showed urgency and zealousness to receive. No indolence, no sluggish attitude. He jumped up! He answered the call.

JESUS stands knocking at the door of your heart, will you answer Him today? Will you open the door?

Then came the 'weird' question from Jesus, "What do you want me to do for you?" Wasn't it obvious? we may ask. However, the bind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see." He specifically stated his need and directed his faith to the Source. Jesus knows all our needs. But He loves to hear us, specifically declare our total dependency on Him in every situation. By so doing, we showcase our faith in Him. We simply tell Him, 'I know you can do it for me'. That is believing. It is our faith that moves God. Don't say 'God knows all my needs, no need to tell Him'. He knows but still wants to hear from you.

Jesus said to him "Go your faith has healed you". FAITH IS THE KEY!

When we cry for mercy, when our hearts are contrite and broken, God will answer. It does not matter what people think of you or the level you have diminished in life. Jesus will put the pieces together, to produce a master piece. He will stop the entourage because of you. Protocol shall be broken just for your case to be heard.

"Immediately, he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road." The same person that was bind and begging by the road side not too long ago, started walking along the road with the King of Kings! That is the transforming power of Jesus Christ. When He touches you, your life can never be same. You move from being a nobody to somebody. When Jesus passes by your case, your weeping will turn to joy. And ashes shall turn to beauty. Those who laughed at you will begin laugh with you. Those who shouted at you will begin to cheer you up. Your eyes shall open and you will begin to see. All because Jesus is involved.

Cry unto Him for mercy...

Bartimaeus followed Jesus. Remember! He didn't run to his friends to show off his restored sight. He didn't go back to his post to continue begging. He received deliverance and followed the Deliverer. He offered himself back to Him. Will you follow Jesus today?

Ogechukwu Maduka is a christain evangelist and a lawyer who loves to write as a means to inspire. A passionate humanitarian and an ardent believer in upholding the digniity of man. She is happily married and blessed with four lovely children. Email: [email protected]

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