Count It All Joy
by Thais Sherell J

Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers us from them all. Psalm 34:19

If you have been following my most recent writings you would have seen the battle leading up to MAC Creations first big event, "A Day of Inspiration through the Arts." As I was preparing to take a stand against the enemy who has broken down the morals and standards that kept our nation ahead, he sent some of his best hordes in an attempt to take me TOTALLY out.

In an effort to encourage those around me and bring forth new hope I watched family members turn their backs on me, physical and mental afflictions stab at me, finances due mount from seemingly nowhere, church members shun my efforts, and political figures run me around the globe. All of this for the sake of the cause.

I cried tears daily as I still do now but sparingly. Even with the event past, souls saved, lives renewed I still battle with the scars. Why? I asked God. Why me? I pleaded with the heavenly father. Why? Why?

Well, if we look into the lives of those great biblical forerunners such as Job and Paul, we find that it's all part of the refining fire. If you really want to get to know the Savior you must first learn of Him in His suffering.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers us from them all.

I've discovered that to make a great impact on the lives of others means I must sacrifice my life to be impacted upon. It means I may very well have to walk alone, lay alone, cry alone.

I may not know who on earth may be in my corner tomorrow or the next day but I know who holds my hand forevermore. It is the one who loves me unconditionally. He loves me on my good days and He loves me on my bad days. He loves me when I am weak and He loves me when I am strong.

And the funny part is after you have tasted His love none else matters. If I walk alone I know He is by my side. His thorns become my thorns. His flesh becomes my flesh AND His eternal life becomes my LIFE.

Count it all joy dear heart. Count it all joy.

Thaïs (ty eese) has written, produced and hosted numerous TV shows, screenplays, stage plays, films and stories for herself and others. Her goal is to exhibit God's creative gifts to draw souls towards God's extended arms and saving grace. 2003

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