Raise The Bar
by Thais Sherell J

So excited am I about my new love
Every morning I awake in expectation of what He has prepared for me
In His presence the darkest cloud is a shining rainbow
In His arms I'm lost in a sea of awesome bliss

For years He stood at my door knocking and waiting
Foolishly I gave selfless love to those who used me and cared less
When reality struck and I saw them for what they were, He still remained
"Now let me show you how love is done", He'd whisper

Solomon said it but who could have known?
He's heaven to the core
How could I have ignored this before?
Nothing was ever so pure or sweet

He teaches me to know I'm beautifully and wonderfully made
No one should ever take that away
He's raised the bar for a new day to a new me
I can't imagine letting Him go

I've settled in the past and it cost me deeply
I paid with my esteem, my health and my respect
He restored me and showed me what love should accept
Agape. He's never leaving, never changing

Some hold back because they don't know better
Some hold back because their love is pretend
There's nothing He won't do to put me on top
I invite you to meet Him because He's raised the bar and
Once the bar is raised
you'll never love the same again.

Thaïs (ty eese) has written, produced and hosted numerous TV shows, screenplays, stage plays, films and stories for herself and others. Her goal is to exhibit God's creative gifts to draw souls towards God's extended arms and saving grace. 2003 www.thais411.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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