The Lord is the Light of Your Life, Volume 33 Unpublished work, 2014 by JP Timpano

God stays with you through the battle and you will hear Him as you sit quietly in His presence.

Wait on the Lord for His direction.

The winds will calm. You will be able to walk on the water.

Stay clear from sin. Sin drains you of God's power.

The devil may try to get you off track, but remember that nothing can diminish the power of the Lord.

You will be able to tread on the scorpion.

God is arresting your fear as you walk before Him in His glory.

Resist temptation no matter how sweet it looks, and you will be strengthened and rewarded by the Lord.

Don't believe the devil's lie. Temptation is not a sin. Acting on the temptation is.

Never criticize or mock someone who has slipped and committed a sin. Remember, we are all capable of committing sin.

Hate the sin, but love the sinner!

God, keep me safe. Keep me pure. Keep me obedient. Make me humble.

Confess your sin unto God, in Jesus name. By His blood you are clean and forgiven.

The Lord will provide resources that you need to see His dream come true for you.

My Redeemer Lives, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you to those who pray for me. God answers prayer.

Stay clear of sexual sin. Wait for the one that God sends you.

When you wait on the Lord what you receive will be the sweetest gift you will ever know.

Ask God to show you what He wants you to do with your life.

You will only be fulfilled when you are true to the person who God created you to be.

No one person can satisfy your soul as Jesus can.

Don't believe the lie of the devil. God sees what you think you are doing in secret.

Don't be afraid to come to Jesus. Lay down your sin, and come to the One who will give you freedom.

Looking for personal strength? Learn the ways of Jesus. He will satisfy your soul.

Walk with Jesus. He will reward you with the fruit of His righteousness.

Looking for the secret of strength? Open up your Bible and you will find it.

Never be afraid of death. Those who are in Christ will have His help as you transition from this life to the next life.

Jesus will see you through.

Recognize the talents and gifts that the Lord God has given you.

When the Holy Spirit is talking to you, give Him time. Stop what you are doing and listen.

God says that He loves you. You are not worthless.

No measure of straying from God is worth it.

You'll never have peace when you do not follow the ways of the Lord.

Because God lives I can face tomorrow with a smile, for I know in Christ Jesus my salvation is secure.

Be a healer to those around you. Seek to spread the message of God's love to those who you meet every day.

I have peace knowing Jesus is always with me, always calibrating my heart for obedience in His word.

God gives me delight for my sins are forgiven in Christ Jesus.

Rest assured, God will find you and will call you to His obedience.

Complaining, arguing and strife are of no value, for they rob the heart of its potential.

Only confess good, positive words to strengthen your heart.

Turn the impossible over to God, and see Him act.

God is not finished with you yet.

As soon as you get comfortable God shakes the ground you walk on to teach you to trust Him more.

Remember that your life is not your own. God formed you for His glory.

All that you do here on earth is not just for the sake of getting things done. God has a purpose in each task you do.

The tasks you have in front of you are sent by Almighty God as a vehicle by which you can trust Him.

In all things give glory and praise to God for that is His good pleasure for you.

The devil tries to get you to worry. God does not!

Jesus is my peace in the storm. All waves cease at the mention of His name.

Keep your focus on the Lord, even in the busy times. He will continue to remain your peace.

I have no peace without the ultimate presence of the Lord.

Without Jesus, life is futile. With Jesus, we have purpose.

Jesus is my valentine. He saved me, and loves me with an infinite love.

Are you being tempted? Turn the temptation over to the Lord. Wait for God's best.

Don't believe the lie of the devil. Temptation is not sin. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Remain in the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ask the Holy Spirit to come into your heart.

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all Truth.

Rejoice when you are persecuted for doing the work of the Lord. In this you have God's favor!

Remember the devil enjoys confusion. Stand firm on the Truth in God's Word.

It doesn't matter what society says. God has the final say on what is right and what is wrong.

Been going through a rough road? Lean on God. Jesus will be enough for you.

Calmness may not be part of your spiritual walk. Spend time with Jesus, and He will satisfy your soul.

Slow down and eliminate multiple thoughts of terror that are flowing through your mind. God does not want this for you.

There is no strength in fear. Fear robs you of possibilities. Jesus wants you to succeed!

I don't care what it looks like. God will make a way.

What is the meaning of the word "impossible" to God? He has infinite power!

The Lord will lead you "beside the still waters"

My God shall supply all that I need.

There is no need that the Lord cannot supply.

Our feelings do not play any role in the walk by faith. Feelings do not impact God's love for us, or the promises that He has given us.

Be true to the gifts and talents that the Lord has given you. In this you praise the Lord.

Remember, if you do not use the gifts and talents that the Lord has given you do not honor God.

Let God be the measurement for your life. Do not measure yourself up to others.

When God has called you to do something people may not understand. Do not let their criticism sway you.

Keep firm to what God has told you in secret. You will be blessed.

With God's help and direction I will make it through.

Keep remembering who you are in Christ. He will continue to be your strength!

The devil is attacking me with fear. Lord, strengthen my faith in You.

The devil is attacking me with circumstances. Lord, help me to keep my eye on You.

The devil is trying to attack my foundation in Christ. Lord, reassure my spirit of the promises I have in You.

The devil is trying to pour out his lies on me. God, keep me firm in my belief in You.

Remember, below the mounds of snow and ice is still the grass. Keep your eyes on the possibilities. Don't lose sight of the Truth.

Do not lose sight of what is True. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

I don't care what is going on in your life. The Word of the Lord is always true. Believe it.

The only weapon the devil has is to try to blanket you with fear.

Recognize where your fear is coming from! Remember, fear certainly does not come from God!

Look at every obstacle as an opportunity to let God perform a miracle.

Does it look like your life is falling apart? God has the glue to put it all back together.

Having a problem with your finances? Give your cares to the Lord. Pray. Jesus will provide.

Don't just pray to God when you are in trouble. God desires to have a daily relationship with you, through His Son Jesus Christ.

By definition, God is always good.

It doesn't matter what happens to us or how we interpret our circumstances. God is always good.

Enjoy the life that God has set before you.

What a joy it is to follow my Lord Jesus Christ!

Walking through the fire? Hold the hand of the Holy Spirit and walk through!

Oh my Lord, smash my heart of unbelief and let me firmly believe in Your promises.

In my horror and terror I found solace in You, my Lord, for you are with me in the darkness and have shown me the Light.

In my panic I have found peace with You, Jesus.

Joseph-Paul Timpano is a seasoned CPA & freelance writer of accounting/business based docuements and Christian inspirational publications.  

Unpublished work  2014 by JP Timpano  Contact: [email protected] 

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