Onward Christian Soldiers
by Don Pedal

Onward Christian Soldiers
Do you have the feeling that we, as a nation, are adrift in a sea of confusion? Our daily media
feeds on these feelings and uses them to increase our negative view of the world around us.
Pundits are always ready to give opinions, from all points of view, and further increase our confusion and feeling of hopelessness.
What if there was a way to make a difference? Would you care enough to step out and do something about it?
I have good news for you. The way to make a difference has been there all the time!
The road to change will not be easy and will take time. It will require determination, commitment, and the dedication of each one of us.
We need to realize that the world out there cannot heal itself. Proof of that is seen in our daily media. If the world, with all its education, dedication, ambition and organization is failing and confused, then whom can we look to for leadership?
The answer to that question is you, me and every true believer in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Think for a moment! That world out there is not capable of solving its problems. Only Jesus is the answer. You might be tempted to think to yourself, "I wonder why He doesn't do something". We have pushed Him out of our halls of government, halls of justice and our school system, so, to that question I would answer," Why don't you go out there and ask Him". You might even invite Him in. Only those committed to serve Him are capable of bringing about the changes that can bring peace to this troubled world.
I can already hear the voices:-
"I never combine politics and religion, my spouse will ask me how I voted and I don't want to start an argument, my spouse's vote will cancel mine out anyway, I haven't got time and I can't figure out whom to vote for anyway, it's just easier to ignore the whole thing, etc.
I know, sometimes voting does seem like a waste of time. It seems like nothing changes anyway. Right there we have stated the problem. Things are not changing because our voices are not heard in the voting booth.
Of course, things do not change when politicians have no idea how the man and woman, in the pew, really think and, especially, how many think that way.
When we are faithful and vote, our numbers will increase until our voices will be heard. When the politicians realize there is voter support of that magnitude, they will be encouraged to vote their conscience and not feel the necessity to please big money to save their political career.
We need to remember the price paid by our ancestors to give us the privilege of voting. Many of them paid in the loss of wealth, health, reputation and the threat to life, if the Revolution failed.
We have a moral obligation to support our representatives in Congress who are trying to defend our Christian values --- sometimes at the cost of their careers. They need to know we are backing them up at the voter's booth, encourage, and support them in their work. Your vote is not futile or unimportant.
Once our voices are united, we will eventually influence government at all levels.
The Christian vote may eventually be the swing vote that will have a strong influence on future elections. We Christians, united in the Lord, can bring about the healing of our country that we all long for.
Have you decided? Are you ready to act now?
Onward Christian Soldiers!

As a senior citizen, I am dedicated to serving the Lord through sharing my experiences and insights with other believers. My primary focus is upon being an disciple of Jesus and, in being one, I can help others to find their spiritual way also. 
This article is original and not copywrited

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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