On the Sixth Day
by Beth LaBuff

(children's fiction based on Genesis 1 and 2)

"In the beginning" might be a good way to begin my story. So, in the beginning, I was created; I had no mother or father. On that day my memories began. There were other living creatures. We roamed about in a garden called Eden, a garden adorned with trees--trees that stretched tall, trees that hugged close to the ground, even trees with plump fruit dangling from their branches. Low to the ground were blossoms in shades of scarlet, periwinkle, and gold that perfumed our garden home. There was feathery grass--perfect for taking a nap. I scrunched my head and whiskers while ducking under bushes. I explored with Yip-Waggle. We played tag. With my paws and claws I clambered up trees while Yip-Waggle woofed from below. He couldn't climb but he did tromp through the flowers. We took turns playing hide and chase.

On the day my memories began, the Creator also fashioned a creature that stood upright on just two legs. He wasn't like me or the others. He was called Adam. Yip-Waggle was especially fond of Adam and followed him everywhere. He jumped on Adam and tried to make him laugh. He yipped at Adam and waggled his tail.

The Creator had us walk single file before Adam. He looked each of us over while he thought very carefully, and then with each one, he gave a slight shake of his head. I was sure he would nod when Yip-Waggle walked in front of him. Yip-Waggle adored Adam, but still Adam shook his head, "no." Then while Yip-Waggle panted, waiting patiently, Adam chuckled and announced, "Your name is Dog."

Next Adam looked at me. I rumbled my most melodic purr while I rubbed against his leg. He gave the same shake of his head while he scratched behind my ears. "Your name is Cat."

Adam was lonely, even though we stayed close by him. The Creator put Adam into a deep-sleep. Our eyes grew as big as the plump fruit dangling on the trees. The Creator fashioned someone just like Adam from Adam's rib. When Adam saw her, this time he didn't shake his head. He nodded and his whole face brightened. He named her Eve.

My cat-heart pitter-pattered when I saw Eve. She let me sit on her lap. Sometimes she laughed when I played paws with the little squeaky creature Adam had named "Mouse." I was very careful not to hurt Mouse. We were good friends.

Life was amazing in Eden, then something happened I did not like. A serpent creature slithered into our garden home. He hissed and stuck out his tongue like he was testing the air. His shifty eyes looked at a tree in our garden, then at Adam and Eve. I didn't trust him. My back arched and my hair stood up when he came near. He cast a shadow over Eden. But, I didn't worry; I knew our Creator had the perfect plan.

Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.
Genesis 2:19-20 NIV

Copyright Beth LaBuff 2017

Before Beth LaBuff and her husband, Tilman, moved to the high desert of Arizona, she lived most of her life surrounded by the cornfields of Adair County, Iowa. 


Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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