Characteristic of Wisdom
by Rosita Dozier

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
James 3:17 NIV

Several passages of scripture give us instruction concerning wisdom. One verse says, "If any man lacks wisdom to ask God for it", (James 1:5 NIV). Another says, "Happy is the man that finds wisdom", Proverbs 3:13. Another says, the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and still another says, wisdom is the principle thing, get it.

Normally we think of wisdom as knowledge to do the right/best thing. Wisdom that comes from heaven, however, is God's guide for us to live in this world. Wisdom is a derivative of wise. The wise person demonstrates certain characteristics, learning to live in this world with the wisdom and guidance of God. Grant R. Osborne says, "Wisdom is living life in God's world by God's rules".

Pure (holy and clean): The foundation, the first characteristic comes from establishing a personal relationship with Christ. Only Christ can make you holy and clean.

Peace-loving: Hebrews 12:14 exhorts us to make every effort to live in peace with everyone.

Considerate (King James says gentle): meek, modest and kind

Submissive: not stubborn or obstinate. Willing to come under.willing to yield to another.willing is a matter of the heart.

Full of mercy: always forgiving, ouch! Mercy is what the Lord requires from us, Micah 6:8.

Good fruit (Galatians 5:22, 23). If you are not producing good fruit you are not walking in wisdom.

Impartial: no respect of persons. God does not do it and neither should we.

Sincere: Without hypocrisy, open, honest, genuine and true.

These are characteristics of wisdom, and others will know if you have them or not.

Teaching women is Rosita Dozier's top priority. She has conducted bible studies for over twenty years. She has written articles for church newsletters, helped pastors put oral messages into print and edited several books. She is a published author and is working on a new book. 


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