Halloween much more than it seems I know
by Rev. Will. Harrison Jr.

What is Halloween to me today It is way more than it would appear to be.

When I was a young boy it was primarily an opportunity to go out and get candy from the homes in the neighborhood. We also were poor enough all the time to not be able to go and buy costumes that we probably wouldnt want to wear next year anyways. I didnt even really care for trying to figure out what to dress up as, and when we did, we sort of were not recognizable as any particular well known figure. We had to scrounge through whatever was in the house, including from Mom and Dads belongings to `fashion` a costume. And we certainly werent very disguised, and certainly not very scary. We were even identified immediately but with a strange look of wonderment on the faces of the people we went to. It ended up being more embarrassing than clever. But we were happy to get our candy and go home with a big bag of it. Then we were directly charged to not eat it whenever we felt like it so that it wouldnt be gone too fast and be stolen by our siblings and so it wouldnt ruin our appetite. Ruin our appetite? All the while we were watching everything being placed in our bag we were strategizing precisely how to do away with it all, and the thought of any other kind of food wasnt even on our minds.

While in my early to mid teens somewhere my sisters and friends and I began to experiment with the darker side of Halloween. You know, the apparently evil, occult/witchcraft aspects of it. [ I say apparently because at that time for me that was the case] We even came up with a ouiga board from somewhere and to our amazement and curious fear it worked as it was said to have worked and we didnt try to force it to perform. I dont remember what it spelled out for us, only that it did, and to our amazement they were relevant messages. My sisters and I had a very very troubled childhood, even all the way into our twenties. Abuse, neglect, violence, hostility, fears galore, and so on. Not a real lot of `nice times` even though they were here and there. As a result of my personal experience with the occult, at that point, and me being an insatiable searcher of data input and information, of almost any kind, I quickly proceeded to try to find out a lot more about everything surrounding the mystical arts and sciences. It took a while though, plus I had a lot of distractions, but I did manage to, out of desperation from all of the pain in my life, begin to seek out this `devil` character and see if I could either get his help and/or start a companionship of some kind. I came to discover quickly that there was something there, albeit ambiguous to me. I had not only felt it but in my research, far too many people had already provided sufficient testimonial evidence that this spirit world was there. Both good and evil, as they said. But I still didnt understand it very well and didnt understand the ongoing battle between good and evil and the moral and ethical issues of principle between the two `Kingdoms`. There was history in there somewhere but I just wanted outside help that seemed sufficiently powerful enough to correct certain sad and painful things I wanted corrected. At almost the same time there were, I came to believe in retrospect, numerous attempts by God to get my attention and deal with him on a personal level. I didnt realize this at the time but as a result of this attraction from both sides, so to speak, I would alternate praying to one or the other in my many crisis. When you are young and overwhelmed with so many horrible crisis, and no earthly people willing or able, many children learn how to become extremely pragmatic and practical to a fault. It becomes far more a way to get help than a soul search for answers. But this amoral pragmatism quickly turns into an inner temple of self indulgence without conscience or moral compass. We see all of this overtly displayed in the lives of so many in our world who have had horrible childhoods and grow up to do even some shocking things, not all, but too many.

God knew I was a student of life from birth and a student of everything I laid my eyes or ears, or hands on. He knew I would research and gather actual facts as well as suppositions and would know the difference, even to some degree while searching. But I also became deeply entrenched in the flesh indulging aspects of the devils Disney world experiences and the bondages and addictions to drugs, alcohol, immorality, music, rage, and a number of other things that had consumed my life and my existence and I felt hopeless because I didnt know and didnt believe that there was anything else available. At the time I hadnt remembered God ever answering my prayers to Him for what I wanted. Even the devil didnt, but at least he seemed willing to make our existence full of alternatives and pleasing distractions. Thank God for his ever present pursuit of us in response to the prayers of faith of other Christians to rescue us from the dark side.

With all my years investigating information and pursuing experiences with the spirit world and the mystical arts, the pursuit of the `good side` had quickly faded away. In hindsight I still remember attempts by God to `reach me` and even my family, but his arch enemies dark side was much more attractive to a young sinner like me who didnt seem to care about the personal ethical views of God or even the devil. I was seeking experiences mainly to validate information and give myself more strategies to help me, than to become someone who swore allegiance to the dark side, or any side. My side was fine for me. But too long of a `gaze` into the darker side of the mystical spirit world and its connection to our material world is to become intoxicated and so mesmerized that it becomes a downward spiral into the deeper places where no one should go. And again as I have mentioned, our earthly carnal fallen nature with its mix of good and evil capabilities is far more compatible with the darker side of nature than Gods side, so off I went. I threw myself into the search full bore but not to become a practicing warlock or channeler, as they call it today, but more like a never ending trip to an occult theme park with all the rides apparently free. There was music galore, and for me being a naturally gifted musician anyways, it was like, well, Ill say paradise, instead of Heaven. There was sexual activity in an amount and kinds that would appeal to no matter who you are. There were power encounters available so that you would come away believing you had some of that power yourself. [Of course unaware that your source of power was a dark spirit(s) who now resides in you and/or in your life somewhere]. You could become somewhat of an officer and get higher ranking and privileges, etc. There were games to play with others, such as sances and many other kinds. There was the ability to become someone who could control and/or influence others lives but for whatever reason that didnt appeal much to me, thank the Lord. I was obviously more interested in the sensory and sensual experience than anything else. I remember that when I took a trip into Buddhism and searching for hope and answers there, I found out that there is always a small hole on the back of the statue of the little fat man through which spirits come and go and do your bidding when you pray. And this is not secret information. You go to China and theyll tell you that. Theyll even tell you that when they pray to the statue they are not really praying to the statue itself but to the spirit that they believe comes and enters the statue. My wife once had an experience with this for real that drove that home.

I want you to know very clearly, no one can set themselves free from the grasp of the devil or this world, or our own flesh, no one. Over us, the devil and his side are far too strong for us, and their strength lies mainly in their ability to trick and deceive us into making choices and decisions that play into his plans for all of us. This prince of this dark world as the Lord Jesus called him, was clearly more interested in professional and high tech distractions [ also known as bondages, and addictions and even possessions] than actually helping any of us. But distractions from what?? Hes mad because he didnt get his way the way he wanted and exercise the right that he thought he had to determine his own destiny. His intent and objective is to so deceive whoever, in whatever sings their song, so to speak, to take us to where he is going one day. And he is going far far away from the one who really cares for us and wont demand our life, as the dark side does, but gave his life so we can have a chance to be with him forever. Remember, I came to known him on a personal level, through his emissaries and his ways, and he really does seem to be interested in helping you to have fun but at a price. He cares as much for a human being in a compassionate way about as much as he cares for his own dung. He will only ever demand and take, from your life, whereas the Lord has and will give of His life into yours. I like that distinction.

As I said, as time went on I came to understand and know full well exactly what I was dealing with and who was behind it, in it and all around it, and the prize for them was to be personal trophies of the souls of men. Ghosts, Ghouls, goblins, curses, spells, etc. are all very very real, yet only more powerful than us, not over God our Creator. I knew, even right after I became a believer in and a follower of Jesus Christ the Lord of all, that this dark world, the evil spiritual realm, the devil and his associates was very real and extremely powerful, especially at leading astray any who would venture near them. This was a part of our earthly existence that was not to be trifled with or played with, as I had done in my earlier years of indulging my flesh. Halloween and other similar celebrations, events, rituals are not jokes, they have not been given a bad name by Christians or whoever, they are very real very serious events in our lives but are of this world and the prince of this world. But the issue is not for someone to finally and authoritatively, once and for all, no more further discussion, determine whether or not Halloween or any other pagan or even secular celebrations are OK for us to participate in. Each one of you is really wanting to know whats its all, about through the pathways of your own personal experiences.

I also came to believe, shortly after my conversion to the good side that God had been the one to not only allow me to have personal experiences with the source of their power, while not even being a witch so to speak, but was actually overseeing the entire experience without the devils knowledge. Can God do that? Oh yeah. I came to understand that one of if not the main reason for the Lords oversight in that way was so that I would understand that the dark side was real and really powerful, so that when I came to the Lords side I would see the clear and obvious distinction between the devil and his power over all of humanity and the power of Almighty God over not only all mankind, the earth, nature, and everything in existence, including every single one of the beings of the dark side, even the devil, satan, fallen Lucifer himself. I also came to experience Gods supreme power over all of that evil, even in a instant. There most certainly should be an unavoidable aspect of awesome reverence, respect, and healthy fear of the Lord, who even has power, far and above, even the devil and his minions.

My original journey to the dark side began primarily with the early fascination with Halloween and a need for some outside help for all of my sufferings. It ended with me being shown all of the differences between the Lords plans for mankind and the devils plans.
The celebration of Halloween, regardless of what you may find in history, or from another researcher, is still not a creation and attraction of the Lord God as Jesus Christ, period. It isnt and never was part of what God had in mind when he made mankind and the earth. It is a celebration of mankind and of the fallen angel kind. An association as a direct result of the mix of good and evil we have come to live with and even enjoy at times. It is a day in which the mixture of good and evil abounds and not an opportunity to try to have a day where we have as little as possible of the mix as we can. It is and has always been an opportunity to those in whatever form of bondage to the dark side and the mix involved, to re-dedicate and re-affirm their dying allegiance to the mix and the evil one that prevails over it, even though most are not aware of that. This is also why, when the arguments about what Halloween and the occult or any other kind of things that Christians call evil, are put forth, the conversation always ends up coming back to that single prime directive base issue of let me alone to do whatever I please and indulge my flesh as I please, whether you like it or not, whether you think its wrong or not, its my life and Ill do with it as I please. And that my friends will be the last word from mankind and the devil, who reject the Lord Jesus when he comes to rule the earth himself personally from Jerusalem for a thousand years. That will be their only truthful justification for rejecting him and God. Or, as Jesus stated in a parable about this and they said, We will not have this man to rule over us. [Luke 19:14]

Halloween is merely one of the many powerful attractions for the fallen earthly carnal nature of man we got from our original earthly parents in the Garden of Eden. They partook of some kind of so called fruit and it became to them a mixture of good and bad, evil and righteousness, and we have known only that mixture since then and since our own birth. All each individual can hope to do with what they are born as is to re-package this corrupt, contaminated life we are given and put our own personal name on our version of it. But its still the same old mix. But God so still was in love with His creation, the world and all in it, that He decided to give and send His only truly begotten son, as Jesus, into this world and our lives, and that whosoever would truly believe on Him would be able to have and enjoy eternal life with Him and His Father, our Creator in Heaven, forever. John 3:16 paraphrased.

Rev. Will. Harrison Jr. Minister since late seventies, living with disabilities, married with children, should not have been saved. Former white & blue collar businessman. President and Founder LifeBuilders Ministry www.lifebuilders.mysite.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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