Acquire intelligence
by Michael Hume

Jesus said "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37. Loving God with all our minds is a prime command of God. We are to feed it and care for it just as we do our bodies, and spirit.

Feeding on God's word is crucial for survival, but there is a time to be broadly read and actively read new material.

Solomon was given a brilliant mind, a gift by God. "God gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment and breadth of mind like the sand on the seashore." 1 Kings 4:29. Also he "Spoke 3000 proverbs, and his songs were 1005. Kings 4:29. Also he "Spoke 3000 proverbs, and his songs were 1005. He spoke of trees, from the cedar of Lebanon even to the hyssop that grows on the wall; he also spoke of animals and birds and creeping things and fish." 1 Kings 4:32,33. Solomon had a broad mind. He was interested in nature and other things, and was interesting.

We need intelligence to survive. Our minds need filling with holy and wholesome thoughts. We need to read broadly and to study just to survive and to please God.

Satan attacks our minds and we need to counter that by improving our minds. "I have made your face hard as their faces and your forehead as hard as their foreheads. Like emery harder than flint I have made your foreheads." Ezekiel 3:8,9. Spiritual warfare can also be psychological warfare. We need to defend ourselves and keep our minds alert and strong for Christ and shut Satan out of our minds.

"Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." Philippians 4:8. Thinking on, meditating and studying the above things led by the Holy Spirit will keep our minds strong and disciplined, self-controlled and bring peace and order in our lives.

God has the most brilliant mind I've ever come across. Solomon, Einstein, Hawking combined plus all the brightest minds on earth combined are much lower than Gods mind and intelligence. Yet God made us in His image and He wants us to be thinkers and have bright minds.

Michael Hume. The Holy Spirit teaches you everything.  Copyright belongs to author.

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