Why Was Mary Blessed
by ron kyker

I know many have wondered, as I have, why Mary was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus. She obvious fit the prophetic profile of the one that would be chosen. She was a child of Israel. She was of the lineage of David as prophecy foretold. She was a virgin as was foretold. She lived in Nazereth and had to go to the City of David, Bethlehem, to register for the census where she gave birth to Jesus; as foretold by bible prophecy. All these prophecies were fulfilled in Mary being the one chosen to be blessed by this great honor of God. But why did God bless Mary as He did, or with any of us, why does God choose to bless us as He does. There has to be more to the question "why' than just fulfilling prophecy. Understanding why Mary was blessed is to understand why any of us are. God blesses whom He wills and according to His purposes. One can read Jesus' Beatitudes in "The Sermon On The Mount" to find a full list describing those that are blessed. I want to take a look at Mary and see what may have set her apart for God's blessing. I think we can learn something from her life as one blessed by God with one of the greatest blessings ever given anyone.

When the angel came announcing to Mary that she was to have a child, and no ordinary child, she travels to see her cousin Elisabeth who was also pregnant three months with John The Baptist; the one who would prepare the way for Jesus. When Mary greets Elisabeth, Elisabeth responds to her greeting saying:

---Luke 1:42-45
42 And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
43 And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
45 And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.

This next passage in Luke is called "Mary's Song". It is her response to her sister Elisabeth.

---Luke 1:46-55
46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,
47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
49 For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name.
50 And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
51 He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
52 He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.
53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
54 He hath helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy;
55 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

Mary's Song, as it has become to be known, was Mary's response to Elisabeth's prophetic words. it is widely thought that Elisabeth did not know of Mary's being with Child, for scripture does not tell us that she did. The scripture does tell us that Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost; which leads us to believe she was divinely given this knowledge. In these passages, we are given a good idea at why Mary was blessed as she was. Let me say emphatically here, that we cannot know fully the mind of God or completely understand why He chose Mary. What we can understand is what character and attributes Mary had, like those in the "The Beatitudes", that describe one who is blessed of God. Even Elisabeth spoke loudly that Mary was truly blessed.

The first thing we notice about Mary is what Elisabeth herself says about her: "blessed is she that believed". Mary believed in God. She believed as one knowing Him personally and had experienced Him personally. The scripture describes Mary as being filled with the Holy Spirit of God; just as Elisabeth was filled with God's Spirit. This was the very Spirit of Christ. So, Mary had the body of Christ living in her and the Spirit of Christ living in her as well. No one else on earth can ever make this claim or have this blessed honor of having both inside her. All God's children are filled with Christ's Spirit. Only Mary was chosen to bear His body. Elisabeth also says that all these things shall happen just as was told her by the Lord. The bible tells us that sheep recognize their shepherd's voice. Mary heard the Word of the Lord; she recognized His voice spoken through the angel. Elisabeth also says: "the babe leaped in my womb for joy". John The Baptist, even while yet in his mother's womb, recognized his Master's voice. We, who are the "elect of God", are chosen the bible says "even yet while in our mother's womb". Elisabeth commends Mary's faith in the Lord. It is only through faith in Christ, one can know God. Before Christ was born, all that believed and had faith in Christ, did so looking forward to His birth. All of us now have faith looking back at His birth, His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension back into heave from whence He came.

Mary's response tells us a little more about the condition of her soul. She says "my soul doth magnify the Lord". Mary's soul was praising God. She was glorifying His name and rejoicing in His favor. Mary, not only rejoiced in her soul, but rejoiced with a fellow believer in Elisabeth. We all must rejoice in God with fellow believers. It strengthens our faith and our resolve to stand in our believing. She expresses her great joy received from God through her faith. One who is magnifying God, is lessening the importance of themselves. She calls herself a lowly servant of God. We must be willing to be God's servant just as Christ came to be the servant of us all. Mary sees just how "poor in spirit" she is compared to God's holiness. She describes herself as being one of "low estate"; meaning she knew where she stood in comparison to God. God is Almighty, we should serve Him and not ourselves. Mary calls God "great" while calling herself "low". She recognizes the great things God had done and says "holy is His name". She recognizes God's holiness and her sinfulness. We must do the same.

Mary has a good understanding of and acknowledges all the great things God has done. She also expresses an understanding that all these things are done through His own mercy towards us. It is God's loving grace that provides these blessings. We cannot earn it nor deserve it. Mary also expresses her fear of the Lord: "his mercy is on them that fear him". Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This shows Mary had been given Godly wisdom. She also understands that His mercy lasts forever "from generation to generation". Through Christ this mercy shall be given for all future generations. The blessed of God will inherit the earth. She recognizes God's strength and how the prideful are destroyed by being wise in their own eyes. Mary sought the wisdom of God. Mary obviously had received God's wisdom and understanding. Only the humble will be blessed. Mary was humble. In her "low estate", God had favor on her in her faithfulness. Mary knew scripture. She had seen how God had dealt with men and provided them with mercy.

Mary says that those who think themselves mighty, will be "put down" and exalted to a "low degree". God will bring low the proud. Their own imaginations will scatter the security they hold in themselves. She says, but those who hunger for Christ shall be filled with "good things". God's blessings will be on those that recognize just how "poor in spirit" they are and how much they need Christ. Those that think themselves rich with worldly things, will be left "empty". To be "humble in Spirit", is to recognize it is only by grace we are to find God's favor. God does not choose wise men, the mighty, or those in high standing. He chooses the foolish to confound the wise. He chooses the lowly to bewilder those high on themselves. He uses the weak to show all just how strong He is. He does this so there will be no doubt that He is the One who is strong. The religious leaders of the day despised Christ and conspired to kill Him. God uses the despised to fulfill His purpose to mankind; to redeem them. Those who are rich in themselves are not hungry for God. Those that are mighty believe in their own strength. If they receive any blessing, they would think it was earned by them and deserved. The power of God is shown when done by the lowly and despised. Those that recognize it is by His power and strength anything good is done for them.

Mary was truly blessed. We can learn from her song sung to sing God's praises. The wisdom she shares through her song should be a model for us all. God called her for a particular purpose. He calls all of us to a particular purpose. That purpose is to glorify Him and have a relationship with Him. If we live a life not blessed, we need only look at Mary's song to show us how to be one who is called "blessed of God". God wants to bless us. He takes great delight in His creation and desires to bestow on us the "riches of His glory". Mary understood her "lowly estate". She understood she did not deserve any of God's blessings. She glorified God, she praised, and worshiped Him. She was humble in spirit. She sought God and had faith in Him. Her goal was that her life would magnify His name. She knew God and God knew her. She had a personal relationship with Him. She was His humble servant. She died to "self" and put her faith in God. She was crucified with Christ in Spirit, even before Christ was born and died. She looked forward to the resurrected Christ that she herself would conceive and she believed in Him. We must look back at the cross and have the faith to believe as well.

Do Not Be Afraid

Fear notDo not be afraid
Words spoken by an Angel
To ZachariahTo Mary and Joseph
To shepherds on a hillside

Fear can get a grip on us
Choke all faith from our hearts
It is nameless and unreasoning
We need not live in a spirit of fear

We live in desperate times
So did Mary and Joseph
Do not worry about your life
Look at the birds in the air

The Angel brought good news
A source of great joy for all
On this day in the city of David
The MessiahOur Savior is born

Many of us are in a panic
Mary and Joseph had much to fear also
Herod sought to kill the Christ child
Mary was in labor and traveling

Then the Angel's words reminded her
Do not be afraid MaryFear not
The shepherds too were comforted
A message of Hope was given

A Savior comes to rescue those in danger
To protect them from what surrounds them
Jesus Christ is the LordHe is our Savior
Come to save us from a fate worse than death

This is the real Christmas message
Not gifts under a Christmas tree
Not a spirit of good cheer
Not a Christmas dinner with family

God has sent a Savior to redeem the world
To save us from our sinful condition
To lift our burdens and ease our fears
To comfort us with a message of Hope

Do not be afraidWe need not live in fear
Do not be afraidFears hold on us has been broken
Fear notFor a savior is born in Bethlehem
Fear notThe Messiah has comeHe is Christ the King

I am a layperson with 35 years of teaching, studying, and sharing the love of Christ. I am a thirty year Social Worker. I have preached, led bible studies, taught Sunday School, sang, and acted in dramas to the furtherance of the gospel. My website vasquezsavage.com features my poetry and writings.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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