A Thankful Heart
by Jerry Ousley

I can think of three near-death experiences I had as a child. Oh, they weren't events during which I actually died and saw a bright light, or anything like that. They were the results of carelessness on my part and if God hadn't intervened I think I would have died. The first was when I was a small child, maybe six or seven years old, when I determined that I was going back in for a swim after all those who were with me were on their way back to the car. I stepped off a ledge in the pond and went under. I couldn't swim at the time and I was going straight down. If my uncle hadn't have seen me and pulled me out I would have drowned. With four adults and eight kids talking and fidgeting I believe it was God who made my uncle see me. Otherwise I'd have taken the swim with the fishes!

Then there was the time I was running through the woods playing a game of hide and seek with some friends. As I ran I was also eating on a sour apple I'd picked from a tree growing wild. That wasn't a good idea at all. I was alone because I was hiding, when all of a sudden a piece of that apple got lodged in my windpipe. I couldn't call out for help because I was chocking. I believe it was God who gave me a big slam on the back and performed a spiritual Heimlich Procedure on me and that piece of apple went flying out of my mouth.

Finally there was the time I was having a bike race with a buddy. We were racing around the block on the street. We rounded the second corner and he swerved in on me cutting me off. My bike went down and I went skidding on the pavement. About then I heard a car horn and the screeching of brakes. I looked up at a bumper over my head. I believe it was God who gave the woman driving that car the cool head to get stopped in time. Otherwise I might have been road kill.

I'm thankful that God spared me during these times. But I also believe that He spared me because He hadn't finished with me yet. I believe that God knew that one day I'd be involved in writing about His Kingdom and speaking His word. I believe that God had a Divine plan for my life.

I'm also thankful for His daily provision in my work. I am thankful for life, for friends, and family who love me.

But in order to be a successful Christian and have a positive attitude for Christ we must learn to be thankful in all situations, not just those that bring blessing. Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." He said "in everything " That doesn't just mean the good things that happen to us. It means that in all situations we should be thankful.

Does this mean that we are to be thankful when the bank is foreclosing on our homes? Are we to be thankful when we've lost our jobs and unemployment has run out? Are we supposed to be thankful when we are dying with some dreaded disease? And are we supposed to be thankful when a terrible accident takes away the life of our children? That's hard to think about.

Actually, I don't believe we are to be thankful FOR these situations. How can we tell God, who has already told us that He is our provider that we are thankful for allowing these tragedies to occur in our lives? No, we are not thankful for these terrible things. But we can be thankful despite them. As believers in Christ we know that one day we will be healed. We'd prefer that time to come now either by Divine intervention or through the medical profession. But if it doesn't happen we will be made completely whole in Heaven. We'd prefer that God not allow our loved ones to perish. But if they do we have the hope of seeing them again. It would be better in our estimation if God didn't allow us to lose our income or for bills to go up to the point that we face losing what we've worked so hard for. But if we do we can have assurance in knowing that He has something better for us. We can be thankful for what God has given to us despite bad situations. It doesn't mean we're thankful for the situation but we are thankful despite it. My friend, when we are, then we will be successful as a Christian and the world will know that we have been with Jesus.

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at spiritbread.com to download these and more completely free of charge.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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