On Being a Rebel
by Jennifer Champion

And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:3 KJV)

It has been said that Christians are narrow-minded. I never understood how a non-believer could say that, I, a Christian was being narrow minded because of my beliefs. Let's think about this for a moment.

Christians believe in a Supreme Being called God.
Christians believe that this Supreme Being is actually three beings in one; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Christians believe that God sent the Son to be born as a baby to a virgin here on Earth.
Christians believe this baby grew to be a man that was perfect.
Christians believe this perfect man, the Son of God, was tortured and died on a cross to cover the world's sins.
Christians believe this perfect man that died came back to life.
Christians believe this perfect man came back to life and walked around for forty days before ascending into heaven.

Don't even get me started on how Christians believe in Creation, the parting of the Red Sea, the plagues in Egypt, the miracles of healing and a book that written by many different men but was inspired by God. Oh, and let's not forget how the Son of God walks on water, turns water into wine, and tells us that we should all be nice to one another.

If the world doesn't believe in these things and Christians do then I guess we are either crazy or just rebels. I've always been a rebel and never liked to conform. The bible tells us that we are not to be like this world and we are better off for it. So, I'll continue to believe and rebel against this world because honestly, this world isn't so good. I've got a mansion waiting on me grander than anything the best architect on earth could design. I've got a peaceful and pain free eternity waiting on me in heaven with winged creatures called angels, my family and friends that believed too and God.

A Prayer:
Dear Father, thank you for loving this rebel even though I am still a sinner. I lift up those to you that do not believe and pray their minds will open and their hearts will soften. Amen.

Jennifer Rubino Champion is actively involved in prison and jail ministry in Central and West Alabama. She and her husband Patrick have five children and a fur baby, Maggie. She is an author and artist and you can visit her website at www.jenniferchampion.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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