To Encourage or Discourage; That is the Question
by Jennifer Champion

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

Life is full of changes every day and some people are wired to handle it better than others. Everyone, regardless of age will experience some form of change and it is during those times when people need encouragers to stand with them.

I will soon be the extra mom to three wonderful boys. When Patrick and I get married, his three sons will move into a new home with me and my two daughters. This is a major change for all of us. However, what seems to be the biggest concern is the school zone change. The boys will be leaving the small country community of Northside and into the larger community of the city of Northport. We are not a bustling metropolis here in Northport but we are different. Different can be scary if you let it. Different can be scary if a person is not surrounded by people of encouragement.

What do people of encouragement do for others? First, they remind the person with concern that God is with them wherever they go. They are never alone. Then, they pray with them. They teach them to give their worries to the Lord. This is especially important when encouraging children. If they do not learn early in life to turn their worries to the Lord then as they get older they will fret and possibly hold themselves back from ever trying anything new in life whether it be an extracurricular activity at school, to going on a date, or to changing jobs. Encouragement is important to the emotional, spiritual, and even physical growth of a child.

What do people of discouragement do for others? They point out the negative in every situation. They become the king or queen of "what if". They instill in children the feeling that the child is not strong enough to handle the change. They do not pray with them or offer them any hope. They do not remind them that even though their life may change, God never does. The results of discouragement during childhood years can produce adults that never try anything new whether it be a new food or a new job. They do not stretch their wings and try to fly and be all they could possibly be. They hold their own selves back and thrive on the negative in life.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for all the changes in my life. My trust is fully in you and not in those around me that may discourage me. I pray that I can be the kind of parent my children deserve; one that will lift them up instead of tearing them down. Please give me wisdom and guidance when teaching them about change and that I will be an example of encouragement for them. Amen.

Jennifer Rubino Champion is actively involved in prison and jail ministry in Central and West Alabama. She and her husband Patrick have five children and a fur baby, Maggie. She is an author and artist and you can visit her website at

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